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Old 03-25-2006, 10:14 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: los angeles, ca
Posts: 37
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egz website. need quality control!
hey all. =)

i've just finished up a new website for my horrible 'rap' group EGZ. it uses some forced window size stuff via java. i've done this sort of thing before, but i'm posting it around to make sure no particular browser / OS combo generates some kind of abomination.

so the site is:


if you go there and it's just a brown webpage, the DNS hasn't propagated yet. you should get a page saying "welcome to" with a button saying 'click here to enter'. so if you've a moment, give 'er a go and let me know if it looks as it should after clicking (should be an 800 X 450 window, non-resizeable)

EGZ is horribly terrible rap, by the way, feel free to download and enjoy the monstrous old tracks there. the newer stuff is better, production wise. you can hear that on the myspace page if you're interested (under the 'email' section)


Old 03-26-2006, 12:44 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: switzerland
Posts: 459
Re: egz website. need quality control!
to summarize in one word:


why using a popup, why using a fixed window?
i know it's easier to design it like that, but come on: you could have done the same by using 3 floating div's and a background image... an additional, centered div for the text, and a box around it all to center it on the screen -> voilĂ*, same result in an ordinary browserwindow. if
you're asking about browser-compability: think about mobile-devices and fixed popup-screens...

to answer your question: my konqueror cuts about 50px from the bottom, and both firefox and konqueror happily ignore the no-resize clause. so yes: i can see the repeating background...
OS: gentoo linux 2.6.13-r3
konqueror: 3.5.1
firefox: 1.0.7
0x7577343536|member of "publish darc!" comittee
Old 03-26-2006, 01:02 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: los angeles, ca
Posts: 37
Send a message via AIM to maus
Re: egz website. need quality control!
hey! thanks for the feedback.

to answer why... i like the idea of a controlled experience. this was why i got into flash programming early on. i get frustrated by simple things like too much space between what i intended people to see and the edge of their browser. i like the idea of the site being presented almost as its own entity, rather than just as a web page.

maybe i'm picky like that. =)

safari cuts off about 50px from the bottom too. i'd noticed that, and while it's irksome, it didn't bother me too much.

having browsers ignore the no-resize biz is annoying too.

good points, though, and thanks for the info, that's helpful! =)

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