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Old 03-04-2006, 01:44 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 2
REM/Underworld collaboration?
Some hearsay has met my ear that a collaboration between the two bands had taken place for one of the Batman movies soundtrack, but that the track had never been released. Should have been a cover of Moaner with Stipe singing, does anyone have something more to say about this (hopefuly MP3 to listen to)?

(hope this is to be understood, my English is far from perfect)
Old 03-04-2006, 05:08 PM
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Re: REM/Underworld collaboration?
never heard about this. Would be interesting though
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Old 03-04-2006, 07:44 PM
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Re: REM/Underworld collaboration?
"We met with Michael to collaborate on a track for the 'Batman and Robin' movie," Hyde recalled. "But the pressure was on from the film company, and there wasn't enough time for us to work together in a way that satisfied both parties."

also from Underworld Inteview, OOR 1999 (grabbed off a cached site):

Q: How did your cooperation with Micheal Stipe and U2 work out?

K: We did meet Michael and we did talk about a joint project for the Batman and Robin movie,but there was not enough time to get much things going. Nice bloke that is, Michael.We do hope that once we can do something together, we keep doors open to all kinds of collaborations.
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Old 03-04-2006, 08:28 PM
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Re: REM/Underworld collaboration?
wasn't Moaner from a collaboratoin with U2 that was supposed to be a remix of Mofo or somesuch that ended up sounding nothing like the original. So much so that it became the original?
Old 03-05-2006, 05:27 AM
I'm a big sister
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Re: REM/Underworld collaboration?
WE like rants. Rants are fun. Esp. Moaner rants.
Old 03-05-2006, 08:27 AM
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Re: REM/Underworld collaboration?
See Karl's quote about Moaner on uwlive homepage today...
Old 03-05-2006, 08:40 AM
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Re: REM/Underworld collaboration?
that's cool (on the UW page)

but I don't think the U2/UW collab had to do with mofo or moaner...

you could download a radio show with R+K and Bono, and bono talks about it at length, and Mofo is playing in the background (of the interview)

but yea - bono talks about walking around outside talking into a microphone, while the band jammed in the studio. Bono heard it, and loved it - but Rick thought it just sounded like a UW remix, and not a true collab

...bono figured that they just 'sat on it' for too long...

but this is all coming from memory (of said interview)
Old 03-05-2006, 09:26 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Re: REM/Underworld collaboration?
Now that was a reply from the most reliable source:-) But thanks to all, I've also never heard of the collaboration with U2 before.
Old 03-05-2006, 12:16 PM
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Re: REM/Underworld collaboration?
Originally Posted by joethelion
that's cool (on the UW page)

but I don't think the U2/UW collab had to do with mofo or moaner...

you could download a radio show with R+K and Bono, and bono talks about it at length, and Mofo is playing in the background (of the interview)

but yea - bono talks about walking around outside talking into a microphone, while the band jammed in the studio. Bono heard it, and loved it - but Rick thought it just sounded like a UW remix, and not a true collab

...bono figured that they just 'sat on it' for too long...

but this is all coming from memory (of said interview)
You've a good memory, Joethelion! That's pretty much exactly what that interview entailed! (Also one-off hilarious acoustic versions of Push Upstairs and Born Slippy!) Only difference, i seem to recall Bono saying he was riding around on a truck with a long microphone lead listening to the studio improv. Details, big deal!

Not sure how i feel about the REM/UW collab idea. Michael Stipe has done lots of collabs, and he's surely eclectic, but the bands' music and lyrical styles are very different. Wonder what it wouldv'e sounded like?
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