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Old 01-23-2006, 09:38 AM
a small-minded madman
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Posts: 248
Underworld: Evolution
Did anyone else catch this this weekend?

I thought it was pretty good. I like how it picked up right from the end of the first movie. I was thinking that time was going to go by and there would be other vampire/werewolf people like Michael, but that didn't happen so I was happy.

I also liked how all the people from the first movie had camio's via the flashback in the begining. Victor was awesome in the first movie and it kind of sucked that he was killed in the end, but you get to see him in this one for a few more minutes. Plus you get to see Emilia in her armor too, so that was nice.

The only thing I really didn't like was how this movie was basically a one-on-one between Cecilia and Marcus. I like the mass vampires verses packs of werewolves battles better. And also, you don't really see any of the werewolves or other vampires at all in this one.

If you like the first movie, then you will most likely like this one.
Old 01-23-2006, 11:16 AM
pro tooler
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
worst movie evar

horrible dialogue, obvious plot, mediocre acting

The cinematography/visual effects and makeup/costuming were beautiful though, as was the sound design.
Old 01-23-2006, 11:30 AM
is playing his didgeridoo
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
i must wait another 4 to 5 months!!!!!
the first one was good, and from the trailer this one looks good to
Old 01-23-2006, 11:33 AM
abe vigoda's dead
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
is it worth paying a $1.50 to see kate beckinsale wear those pants again? yes. bargain theatre here we come
Old 01-23-2006, 02:06 PM
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
I was at a local cinema this weekend and walked past the auditorium underworld was playing in. You could hear the the thumping of explosions and music audibly with the doors closed and then as someone exited the auditorium it flooded into the hall.

This brief burst of sound made me very curious to stick my head into the auditorium but I forced myself to wait for a proper viewing, perhaps sometime later this week.
Old 01-23-2006, 02:22 PM
Yankee Doodle
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
Originally Posted by viddy
The cinematography/visual effects and makeup/costuming were beautiful though.
As far as cinematography goes that director needs to learn theres other color gels you can use aside from blue.
Geometry warrior
Old 01-23-2006, 04:07 PM
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
Originally Posted by Kein
As far as cinematography goes that director needs to learn theres other color gels you can use aside from blue.
Yes but it's a vampire movie. It needs to look like the night time all the time. It also makes the sun at the end seem that much more powerful after seeing nothing but blue and purple for 90 minutes. Also that sort of decision is more up to the director of photography and the DI colorist than the director.
Old 01-23-2006, 10:42 PM
is playing his didgeridoo
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
Originally Posted by mkb
is it worth paying a $1.50 to see kate beckinsale wear those pants again? yes. bargain theatre here we come

Old 01-24-2006, 12:44 AM
Aaron Contreras
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
I really didn't like it.

The first Underworld pissed me off when I saw it in the theatre as well. The concept was near and dear enough to my angsty little heart that the execution just felt wrong.

Ended up buying it on DVD and grew to actually like it.

Sequel Fuck Ups - possible spoilers ahead!
  • Action from start to finish. One of the strengths of the first movie was that it had a decent plot to dribble out.
  • Removing the werewolves as sympathetic characters. I suspect some sort of attempt at dodging a lawsuit from White Wolf?
  • Weak villain. Good actor, cool effects, use him all wrong.
  • No character development for Michael. Look like dude from Creed > do something stupid/romantic > tear shirt off and turn black > repeat.
  • Selene should've kept the sword from the first flick.
  • Homeboy on the boat (Derek Jacobi) - wow, lame.
  • Homeboy locked up - wow, lame.
It did have some really amazing effects shots in the first couple minutes of the movie. The sequence on the truck w/ batdude flying around was great. The jaw rippage and head choppage was nice.

...and while I consider myself to be a boring old-fashioned damn was Kate Beckinsale born to run around in a rubber suit. GOD DAMN, I say.
Old 01-24-2006, 11:04 PM
Yankee Doodle
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Re: Underworld: Evolution
Originally Posted by viddy
Yes but it's a vampire movie. It needs to look like the night time all the time.
Blade did a good job showing the darkness without it looking like youre watching a movie through a fishtank.
Geometry warrior
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