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Old 06-21-2008, 11:54 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 2,200
Re: The Happening
I'll defend Sixth Sense. I never saw it coming and I saw that movie late into its theater season. I was genuinely shocked, scared, grossed out and surprised just when he wanted me to be with Sixth and it was pretty great. Unbreakable however, I could see a mile away and it was so poorly plotted and paced that I wanted to cut my feet off and throw them at the screen. Instead I used them to walk out of the room.
Old 06-22-2008, 11:10 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Re: The Happening

i'm glad you found some enjoyment in the 'sixth sense',
but for anyone thats ever watched a twilight zone
episode, i think the first few minutes gave it away,
after that it was all downhill..


Last edited by negative1; 06-25-2008 at 08:17 PM.
Old 06-23-2008, 04:46 PM
Hi! I'm Barry Scott!
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Re: The Happening
Originally Posted by negative1 View Post
(yes, even 'unbreakable' was horribly bad)..
You am wrong. Say sorry.
Why do you have to go and fight dirty? Don't fight dirty, don't hit me with the chair.
Old 06-23-2008, 08:25 PM
de la Michigan
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Re: The Happening
I've never actually walked out of a movie.... I just laugh really loudly and pompously when they are really bad.
Old 06-25-2008, 06:01 AM
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Re: The Happening
Originally Posted by negative1 View Post

i'm glad you found some enjoyment in the 'sixth sense',
but for anyone thats every watched a twilight zone
episode, i think the first few minutes gave it away,
after that it was all downhill..

Yeah, you are totally right, but that doesn't make it bad. I actually watched a ton of Twilight Zone, Amazing Stories, etc. in my youth (I'm 33) and am quite embarassed to say that I still never saw it coming. There was JUST enough of a reason to believe that what we saw was actually happening and that he just wanted to help the dead-people-seeing kid.
Old 06-25-2008, 08:12 PM
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Re: The Happening
Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
You am wrong. Say sorry.
with such an eloquent argument, i find it hard to put
up a defense:

rather than just quote all the issues, just look here for, they aren't all my ideas, but i agree with
them..[ plot holes, unbreakable]..
plot holes in unbreakable:

But the biggest question the film asks (Why does God allow some to be strong & some weak?) is completely ignored. The film doesn't attempt to answer it at all! Sam Jackson's madness simply wants to know that some people are strong since he is weak to feel that there's some cosmic yin-yang balance. Bruce Willis's character questions whether he's unbreakable, but never why. There's potential for depth here, but the film never attempts anything other than surface-level examinations of its plot.

More complaints:
A.) The director's cameo as a possible drug dealer does nothing to further the plot. It makes Willis doubt his ability, but doesn't pan out in any noticeable way.

B.) The fact that Willis never noticed that he had never been injured or sick, and even has to stop to ask his wife about this.

C.) Sam Jackson's random bombing of things in order to find someone who's unbreakable. Surely this is some of the worst criminal motivation ever featured in a film.

D.) The janitor who Willis fights... He randomly attacks a family and holds them hostage Then he continues to go to work as usual!

E.) Willis' character's overnight development of his psychic abilities... how did he not notice this before?!?!

F.) Why does Willis ignore all of the other crimes he noticed in the train station before he goes after the janitor?

G.) Why does Willis have to ask if he'd taken sick days? I can't believe he'd not know this off the top of his head... It's only a lame attempt to create tension that the script makes him not know something so rudimentary... it's not believable.

H.) Why is Willis a security guard? He's around 40. He's got a college degree. He could have plenty of careers that involve protecting people where he isn't fighting for $1/hr raise.

I.) What are the problems in his marriage? The movie never says...
etc... etc... etc...

i could keep on going, but the movie would have
ended ages ago..


Last edited by negative1; 06-25-2008 at 08:14 PM.
Old 06-27-2008, 03:25 AM
i'm getting older too
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Re: The Happening
crikey. 4 pages about a shamhammer movie?

to be fair - only the first page was about the happass film. I did like grady's story of throwing up in the middle of traffic - in fact that small event would have probably made a better film than anything the shamalamadingdong man has made lately.
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