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Old 03-11-2007, 02:14 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 873
Re: Amon Tobin - Foley Room
I haven't listened to it on myspace, so I can't say for sure, but I would suggest that to properly experience it in all its sonic glory, you need to hear it a)uncompressed and b)loud. I can see how listening to an mp3 version quietly would not sound that interesting.
everybody makes mistakes...but i feel alright when i come undone
Old 03-11-2007, 04:54 PM
kid cue
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: new york city
Posts: 582
Re: Amon Tobin - Foley Room
well most quiet mp3s are boring .. anyway, i really like what i've heard so far. a lot more than (i think) his last one, the one with "Verbal", which way too techy for my tastes. this seems like a pretty logical progression from the sort of thing on Supermodified.

also, this from his blog:
"well the debate about illegal downloads has obviously been raging for some time. some blame it for the crisis the music industry is currently facing, others herald this as a new utopian era for the consumer. contrary to the oversimplified views sighted by both ends of the spectrum I believe this to be a fairly complex issue with radically different implications for different artists and labels.

with this in mind I see no point in entering into debate on the general issue here. nor would I consider it my place to tell people what they should or shouldn't do. all I can comment on with any certainty is how all this has affected me personally and in light of my nearing release this might be of interest to those of you who've expressed an interest in my music.

over the last few months I've received a surprising amount of mail from people who'd downloaded 'foley room'. the comments are very positive and many encourage me to "keep on doing what you're doing" for which I am thankful.

today, the release date for my album, it's unlikely that you will see it in most high street shops and after the initial run it's unlikely that you will be able to order a copy even from online stores. this is because in-spite of more people having access to and apparently listening to my music than ever before, the predicted sales of the record were so low that it didn't justify the manufacture or distribution to any significant level. strange? not when you consider how hard it might be to convince any retail outlet, physical or digital, that they should try and sell something everybody could already get for free months beforehand.

so what does this mean in the wider context? who the fuck knows. like I say I won't speculate on the wider picture and you can draw your own conclusions as to what this means with regards to my own future output. again I stress that I'm not talking about what should happen here. I'm not saying I should be able to 'keep on doing what I'm doing' or even that my record deserves to be bought. all I'm saying, mainly for the benefit of those who might otherwise have been unaware, is that if you personally like what I do and wish to continue hearing more then the only way that will happen is if you support it."
buy your copy asap! :|
Old 03-12-2007, 07:45 AM
a life less extraordinary
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: beerlin
Posts: 959
Re: Amon Tobin - Foley Room
at first i thought it was a bit more abstract than his previous work, i.e. harder to get into it. i still think it is, but after a couple of listens with headphones, i agree with adam on the sonic detail part. you have to listen a lot more careful in order to catch every detail. it's still not as 'banging' as the early amon tobin stuff, where the focus was apparently different, but it is a really good work.

Old 03-13-2007, 03:48 PM
Only £50 a show,book now.
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Newcastle upon the Tyne,UK
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Re: Amon Tobin - Foley Room
Just got a copy today after positive reviews on hear and its a worth while purchase i must so. Only cost me £4 to coz i got a promo copy. Woo!
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