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Old 10-29-2006, 01:42 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 3,833
Re: Hard Candy
I'm with KoS on this one. I've never heard of Hard Candy. Just because its in Treatment that means its the title of a film that I should check on IMDB?

Why dont we just create a thread for every film released but with no content in it? Attempting to say something about a movie and maybe providing the link to imdb and or trailer wouldnt be that much of an effort.
UW0764 || Professor: "Underworld have never failed to disappoint me" || Yannick changed my avatar picture.
Old 10-29-2006, 01:00 AM
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Re: Hard Candy
Yeah, ok, maybe you two can put this up as 'BOARD RULES' then.

Fuck. That.
Originally Posted by adam
I liked XXX, for fuck's sake.
Old 10-29-2006, 01:25 AM
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Re: Hard Candy
luke rules. and you are all a bunch of fags.

Old 10-29-2006, 01:32 AM
King of Snake
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Re: Hard Candy
careful eike, or I will post compromising pictures of you on the innernets

Luke, don't be a drama queen please.
Why is it that every time someone has something critical to say about the way some people post it's always like "oh where is the RULE then? Why don't you make it the new RULES blablabla" in some whiny "Help Help I'm being repressed!" kind of voice?

I'm just making a comment based on my own views. Stimpee is also just making a comment, no one is saying anything about RULES.
"I have always LOVED Underworld" - Sir Elton John
Old 10-29-2006, 01:38 AM
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Re: Hard Candy
Gonna have to wade in here. You are a forum user, KoS, same as jOHN or Luke or me. Stimpee is the forum Moderator and as such has a "different" voice than anyone else here. Which means, rightly or wrongly, his posts can appear authoratative in nature, which is what has happened in this instance.

Not everything he posts is from a Mod's (authoratative) point of view, obviously. That needs to be borne in mind. But also people need to have some inkling of whether he is talking as "Stimpee the Mod" or simply "Stimpee". Otherwise they will inevitably see comments like this as over-moderation.
"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution" - Emma Goldman
Old 10-29-2006, 02:36 AM
King of Snake
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Re: Hard Candy
just fyi, luke's first response was before Stimpee even posted in this thread.

Also, I'm sure that whenever Stimpee posts something from a moderator's perspective, he will makes this clear in the post. That some people choose to deliberately misinterpret his posts as being moderator commands all the time just to stir up some shit is their problem. There was absolutely nothing in his or my post that hinted at it being anything other than a personal opinion.
People are free to ignore it, I was just trying to explain what I thought the "problem" with the original post was. Now it's all turning into some kind of big deal that it was never intended to be.
"I have always LOVED Underworld" - Sir Elton John
Old 10-29-2006, 06:48 AM
Jason Roth
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Re: Hard Candy
Hard Candy:
Old 10-29-2006, 09:53 AM
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Re: Hard Candy
Luke's right. His panties are definitely not in a knot, because I know firsthand he goes commando.

I think people can post as informatively or not as they'd like. Seriously, I have no problem with seeing the name of a movie and the comment wow. I've got a google search window a freaking inch away.

If someone wants to make posts like this, they bear the consequences. The consequences are that i make an interpretation on the post based on what I know of the poster. If someone whose taste I respect did a similar post, I'd follow the link. If it's someone who I think is a twat, I won't. If it's someone I don't know, it rather depends on my mood. Simple, innit? No harm, no foul. If someone repeatedly makes posts that everybody thinks are uninteresting, they'll stop replying, and the poster will probably figure out on his own that there's an issue he needs to address if he wants to be an active part of the community.

No hostility towards KoS, I don't want to escalate any bad mood here, but I think you're flat out wrong about people deliberately misinterpreting Stimpee. As a moderator, all his posts carry the weight of his authority, and if he doesn't like that, he doesn't need to be a moderator, or he should make another account for his opinion pieces. He's been throwing a lot of criticism around about people's posting habits, and, with his ability to merge threads and all that, backing up his criticism. He's posted in a thread of mine that he sort of kind of thought it should be deleted just because it was a joke - (True Romance 2) I thought it was a good (well, mediocre, fine) joke though. Granted, he didn't delete the thread.

He also has been openly scornful of people not using the search engine to find threads, and in some of these cases these were older threads by several months. That's a different idea of what dirty should be than I have. He wants a concise source of useful information and opinion; I expect more of an open dialogue type of feel that free posting encourages. Usually, when new threads are started on old topics, if previously interested parties are still kicking about, they link to the old threads anyway. It seems to sort itself out to me without the need of an authoritive hand.

Stimpee, whether he likes it or not, cannot separate his dirty member voice from his dirty moderator voice. Even if he explicitly stated he was presenting his view as a dirty member, in a particular post, I still think it would be questionable whether or not that should be taken at face value. Not saying he's dishonest, but I'm saying the situation makes it more complicated than his stated or chosen intent.
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Old 10-29-2006, 11:08 AM
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Re: Hard Candy
...and Hard Candy is a good movie.
Old 10-29-2006, 01:23 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Netherlands
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Re: Hard Candy
Originally Posted by adam
I have no problem with seeing the name of a movie and the comment wow. I've got a google search window a freaking inch away.
ok, thats all well and good but you still have to make the search yourself to find out what it is. One word posting is just bad netiquette.
Originally Posted by adam
Simple, innit?
not really. if its a movie you dont know and in a thread made by someone you dont know, youre not gonna check it out. if its a thread by someone you dont know then why even bother opening it? and how do you get to know these people and trust their tastes in the first place?

My criticism of posting habits is all common forum netiquette. Asking people to search the forums before posting and asking people to post more than one word are written rules in 99% of forums that have rules laid down. Use that google search window that youve got a freaking inch away if you dont believe me. No hostility towards KoS but there is obviously hostility towards me for backing him up. Take a chill pill and relax.

Oh and by the way for others, this is the "true romance 2" thread, and my response is clearly a joke.

I was agreeing with KoS, I wasn't dictating anything to anyone, just simply putting across a point of view. Sometimes people take things the wrong way, which is what seems to have happened here. Yes, there may be times when I moderate more than previous mods here would but thats still far less than on most forums out there. But I'm not gonna get into personal insults or criticism. This is how I am. I have strong opinions sometimes but I dont abuse my status.

Now, this thread isnt about me its about.. well I dont know. some "wow......" movie, so lets talk about that instead.
UW0764 || Professor: "Underworld have never failed to disappoint me" || Yannick changed my avatar picture.
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