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Old 11-05-2019, 06:50 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
imagine being able to tell the Dirts from 2003 that Underworld was gonna release a quintuple album in 2019 and it was pretty much all gonna be great
Old 11-05-2019, 07:18 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,598
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
Originally Posted by 34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j View Post
imagine being able to tell the Dirts from 2003 that Underworld was gonna release a quintuple album in 2019 and it was pretty much all gonna be great
that they'd release a new track every week leading up to it, and every week they didn't they opened up the archives.

but then you'd have to tell them 5 points wasn't a part of it
Old 11-05-2019, 10:29 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 528
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
Imagine the speculation between 2005 and 2008 when they repeatedly said that's the kind of thing they were going to do, and then didn't.
Old 11-05-2019, 11:27 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,598
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
They said a lot of things
Like how they were going to hand off Underworld so that it didn’t end when they were done with it.
It’s all art-world, what-if comics fugue talk
Then they actually do it and it’s like whaaaaaaat
Old 11-05-2019, 11:36 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
well there's a big difference in the way music is consumed now as opposed to then. I think the Riverruns were hurt by the fact that they weren't in stores, weren't on iTunes, you had to go through a clunky storefront that was down a lot of the time. maybe the fact that it was just one continuous track turned some people off too. I have no idea what the sales were, I know we all went nuts over it but I never got the sense that the public at large was that interested. It kinda made sense that by '06 they were more focused on the next CD

nowadays it seems pretty easy to finish something and have it out across the board on streaming services the next day, people don't really listen to CDs much anymore and the idea that an "album" has to be something between 40-80 minutes is kind of outdated. so the time is right for this sort of thing.
Old 11-05-2019, 11:55 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,598
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
I for one am extremely pleased that my other favorite group now makes 8 hour "albums"
Old 11-05-2019, 12:07 PM
khondo dweller
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
Originally Posted by 34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j View Post
well there's a big difference in the way music is consumed now as opposed to then. I think the Riverruns were hurt by the fact that they weren't in stores, weren't on iTunes, you had to go through a clunky storefront that was down a lot of the time. maybe the fact that it was just one continuous track turned some people off too. I have no idea what the sales were, I know we all went nuts over it but I never got the sense that the public at large was that interested. It kinda made sense that by '06 they were more focused on the next CD
I've always thought that the delivery system and what I perceived to be Underworld just being cheap severely hurt Riverrun's appeal. The Underworld website itself has to the best of my recollection never been particularly intuitive, always seeming to be hand-coded (or might as well be), and the Riverrun era especially. Zip files and PDFs you had to buy on a dodgy platform, it was all extremely inelegant. And the accompanying physical products were mainly remixes! That for the most part sucked! And the major physical release of the time was Live in Japan, the kind of product we'd been begging for, and it was limited only to that region. In other words, the group did everything they could to make Riverrun and its attendant content as unbuyable as possible to all but the most hardcore fan.

These days there's a much better technological apparatus in place for this kind of thing. Social media, streaming, YouTube, all sorts of tools to deliver any sort of content at all. And the advent of the deluxe edition boxset offers a physical product that's far superior to a traditional CD and jewel case (NIN refuses to make CDs ever again, supposedly, moving strictly to vinyls and downloads). As ever Underworld were ahead of their time, but Drift takes judicious advantage of all this.

I suspect that if Underworld repackaged Riverrun it would be worth the effort. It remains a kind of holy grail for new Underworld fans who weren't around to get it the first time. Imagine a boxset with full size artwork, books of jam, high fidelity sound, liner notes, etc.? And promoted properly and enhanced through all the channels mentioned above. It'd be marvelous.
Old 11-05-2019, 12:54 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
always thought the intention was to repackage it for the deluxe edition of either AHDO or (more likely) OWB. perhaps they want to spend some time to remaster them? because they still do sound like lossy MP3s with some notable audio glitches. maybe the wavs sound better.
Originally Posted by dubman View Post
I for one am extremely pleased that my other favorite group now makes 8 hour "albums"
still remember around the time of Draft 7.30 when half of their fans were patiently waiting for them to make accessible music again
Old 11-05-2019, 01:05 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,598
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
i'd be more excited for the possibility last week, before i read that they're still annoyed about how rushed it was.

which, ????. but, perfectionists.

i like how loose it is and wish they'd sort of embrace that more, but oh well.

Originally Posted by 34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j View Post
still remember around the time of Draft 7.30 when half of their fans were patiently waiting for them to make accessible music again

i MiSs AmBeR, tHeY sHoUlD dO tHaT aGaIn
then they up and called their first two albums cheesy. loved it. IDIOTS.
though tbf they did also get a release of 89-93 tapes, so, good for them. idiots.

Last edited by dubman; 11-05-2019 at 01:07 PM.
Old 11-05-2019, 02:44 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Sunny Hawaii
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Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
Just FYI, Drift Series 1 Sampler Edition will be available through US distribution and retail channels on Nov. 8. This includes the CD, Vinyl, and Limited Edition Vinyl.

And the Drift Series 1 box set will be available through US distribution and retail channels on Dec. 22.
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