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Old 08-25-2017, 04:02 PM
Heal yourself,
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 173
Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
What? Long version of Push is on 1992-2002, long version of Jumbo on 1992-2012, and long version of Moaner on both 1992-2002 and 1992-2012. All readily accessible.
I mean, on the remasters. I'm using 1992-2002/12 for extending.
Sine thesis
Old 08-25-2017, 05:56 PM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
A few more thoughts:

They finally fixed the tracking so that the end of Bruce Lee doesn't end up at the beginning of Kittens. Yay!

Push Upstairs Alt 1: You know, I've often suspected that UW sometimes jam out tracks live in studio and print them to tape (I think that's why we have 2 different Peach Trees). I think this confirms it. It kind of goes off the rails at the end there and they have a little discussion about it.

Push Upstairs (Darren Price Remix): This remix is extended by about 15 additional seconds at the end

King of Snake (Dave Clarke Remix): This is missing the "King of Snake" vocal sample at the very beginning of the track, which makes it about 5 seconds shorter.
Old 08-25-2017, 06:34 PM
Heal yourself,
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 173
Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Skym still ends with karl about to sing "do you still feed the animal".

("Do y--")
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Old 08-25-2017, 07:53 PM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Originally Posted by joethelion View Post
...and was that Dub mix of Jumbo at the end ever released commercially? I don't ever remember hearing it before...
Originally Posted by pandamagic View Post
I'd never heard of it before either. Yesterday that track came on when I was in another room and I couldn't tell what it was a remix of. There didn't seem to be much, if anything, from the original track. Honestly if I didn't know it was Underworld-related I wouldn't pay much attention to it.
I've had a chance to actually listen to this remix again (in the same room with the stereo this time) and the bass line is clearly adapted from the original track. It's actually not that bad so disregard my original critique.

Also I just realized today that I'd completely forgotten about the Jedis Electro Dub mix of Jumbo, which I think I only have on a Select magazine compilation from '99. Since there's 15 minutes of free space on both deluxe discs 3 & 4, there would have been plenty of room for it . . .
Old 08-25-2017, 08:32 PM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Originally Posted by negative1 View Post
i agree with pretty much everything here,

however, the riverrun era, web tracks, and remixes easily brought them
back to the top of my radar, and the triple live tokyo cd, is one of their
best releases also, easily surpassing everything, everything.

after that its been a lot of hit and misses.

Riverruns are still my fave post-Emerson material. Make a box set of those! I
Old 08-25-2017, 09:22 PM
Troy McClure
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
I got my boxset delivered today from Amazon. At first glance, I do like the art book. Lots of vivid Beaucoup Fish shapes and colors. I assume they are the various covers from the singles. I haven't read the essay yet. Looking to jump in with both feet and rediscover this.

Old 08-25-2017, 10:13 PM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Originally Posted by dubman View Post
Riverruns are still my fave post-Emerson material. Make a box set of those! I
Yes, please!
I really do hope the Riverrun series gets a proper remaster and reissue. I think they should release it along with the Live In Tokyo 2005 live album together. I love Peggy Sussed! The Japanese edition of Dubnobasswithmyheadman super deluxe edition has 3 songs from the Live In Tokyo release. So obviously the boys had to go back to the release to include. So perhaps that means they have future plans for the whole release later on. The Riverrun stuff doesn't really fit with Oblivion With Bells, right?

Everything, Everything was a combination of a few festival shows, right? I imagine festival shows aren't as long, probably around an hour or so. If we do get a reissue, instead of a combined into one release like the original, they should give each show's audio on its own. The tracklistings were shows recorded have a bit of variety, so it'd be cool to get each show in full that was used to make up the original release. Plus give us EE live video on Blu-ray.
Old 08-26-2017, 03:30 AM
khondo dweller
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Bitterly disappointed to read that Five Points didn't make it into this box set. That was definitely my greatest wish when I hit "confirm purchase" on this monster. Even a CD-quality live version would do.
Old 08-26-2017, 04:04 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Originally Posted by iamneorev View Post
The Riverrun stuff doesn't really fit with Oblivion With Bells, right?
I think there's something somewhere saying all the stuff they did in the mid '00s was part of the Riverrun project, which would make OWB technically an extension. But yeah, I'd really love a proper physical release of it. I doubt it'll happen, but it would be absolutely tremendous. Each Riverrun with its respective remixes over three CDs, and a CD of outtakes. Yes please.
Originally Posted by iamneorev View Post
Everything, Everything was a combination of a few festival shows, right? I imagine festival shows aren't as long, probably around an hour or so. If we do get a reissue, instead of a combined into one release like the original, they should give each show's audio on its own. The tracklistings were shows recorded have a bit of variety, so it'd be cool to get each show in full that was used to make up the original release. Plus give us EE live video on Blu-ray.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm hoping the next box will be.
Old 08-26-2017, 09:31 AM
khondo dweller
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Posts: 581
Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Originally Posted by iamneorev View Post
The Riverrun stuff doesn't really fit with Oblivion With Bells, right?
Digression I guess but anyway.....

I've always seen A Hundred Days Off, Riverrun and Oblivion With Bells (and the attendant internet radio broadcasts with their new material, and the new style of live show they did during those years) as part of one extremely prolific and aesthetically focused period of Underworld's career. I don't know if it was Darren's leaving or not, but they changed directions completely. In my heart I think the first three albums are the zenith of Underworld but when I look at my iTunes stats, I play the post-Emerson, Pre-Barking material the most.

Beyond the actual music releases, you had the radio broadcasts, the Beautiful Burnout ArtJam (which I got to see in NYC), the Riverrun digital books, the Sunshine and Breaking & Entering scores, the Oblivion Ball in Tokyo. They were just full steam ahead back then.
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