Boom Boom Chik talks to Karl Hyde [Interview]
Published: by Todd.
Boom Boom Chik has published an interview with Karl Hyde. Here is an excerpt:
BBC: You excited to play NYC at the end of the month?
Karl: I’m always excited to play in NYC, for me that was where all my lyrics use to start, for the first 2 albums at at least, I walked the streets of New York, because it was a technical place to get poetry off the street, the sound, the colors, the people and everything that was going on. I sat at the end of the street corner and write what I heard and it was so vibrant, NY is a very intense place for me. I walk the streets and am inspired by every inch of the way I walk in NY, I sometimes leave there with a bit of a headache because it such a intense experience for me, but every time we come back the crowds are fantastic and I can’t wait to walk the streets again, more stuff!
Head on over to Boom Boom Chik to read the full interview.