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Old 09-09-2007, 04:59 PM
mmm skyscraper
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Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
Maybe they'll play 'til the venue cuts the power.
we're all going to eurodisney
Old 09-09-2007, 06:48 PM
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Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
Originally Posted by Professor
i'm not going. i am getting married on the 15th and the decision to actually FLY OUT OF TOWN the week of my wedding was a particularly dificult one... but it was REDROCKS! 'the show of the year' for me... there's just no way i can justify flying to denver otherwise. i'll eat the plane tix. i've canceled my hotel and i'll be sending my show tix back. i'm totally fucking pissed off and i won't forget this.
I can understand that you are angry and pissed off. but when are you going to ge the chance to see Underworld? It could have been a lot worse. The gig could have been cancelled. You should just swallow your pride and just go anyway.
Originally Posted by Professor
dubman, it was rude of me to swear at you. true. i'm sorry about that. it's totally stupid to actually vent on a forum anyway. i'm sourly dissapointed and won't be going. they could have easily played vancouver instead of denver. the ONLY point in going to denver was to see them at red rocks. it's pretty rocks, sure, but that was a really HUGE deal making that decision. my response was reactionary, and i appologize. i didn't really mean to attack you, but i'm pretty upset.
im glad youre seeing some sense in apologising. but you should really reconsider and GO to the gig. youre talking as if the venue is more important than the band.
Originally Posted by chimp
We are very sorry about the change of venue for the Denver show and even more sorry about how the news has been broken.
It's come as a surprise and bitter disappointment to us also - it's been a dream to play Red Rocks for many many years.

The bottom line is that ticket sales for the Red Rocks show have been poor and for weeks we've been assured that sales would pick-up and that the show would go on. At this point we're unclear as to why, but at the end of the day we were not presented with any choice. It is disappointing to say the least, and responsibility for an honest explanation falls to us - but all those who purchased tickets and in some cases are planning long journeys to make this show are due some sort of explanation.

Thank you for your words of support.
thanks for the official response. If the ticket numbers are low then your only option is to go with a smaller venue. Its that or cancel. I'll be there at Central Park... i hope nothing bad happens that stops that from happening! (I've flown half way round the world for this...)
UW0764 || Professor: "Underworld have never failed to disappoint me" || Yannick changed my avatar picture.

Last edited by stimpee; 09-09-2007 at 07:00 PM.
Old 09-09-2007, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,580
Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
Originally Posted by Professor
dubman, it was rude of me to swear at you. true. i'm sorry about that. it's totally stupid to actually vent on a forum anyway. i'm sourly dissapointed and won't be going. they could have easily played vancouver instead of denver. the ONLY point in going to denver was to see them at red rocks. it's pretty rocks, sure, but that was a really HUGE deal making that decision. my response was reactionary, and i appologize. i didn't really mean to attack you, but i'm pretty upset.
obviously with my own outburst i'm well familiar with knee-jerk reactions, so i also should have been more understanding. because i understand that sort of disappointment and it takes me a couple of hours/days to get the right perspective, but during that time it's way tempting to vent somewhere, anywhere.
it just that the actual group was dragged in there, and i had JUST come back from the 2nd warfield show
in hindsight it was a bad set of circumstances.
so i apologize too.


buuuuuut... you should go.
you havent canceled yet right?

Last edited by dubman; 09-09-2007 at 07:00 PM.
Old 09-09-2007, 09:54 PM
tHe niGHt oWl
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
Red Rocks Sucks. The walk from the parking lot to the seating is like climbing Everest, it always rains, the wind blows 120 miles per hour, there's always some guy who pukes behind you and runs down on your seat, the high altitude makes the performers too tired to put on a good show, there's too many hippies from Boulder, and you always get pulled over on the way home. I'm glad they moved the show....

Old 09-10-2007, 12:25 AM
Floating Dave
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 16
Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
it's a great shame when things like this happen but the bottom line is that the promoter is responsible.

In theory anyone can be a promoter. You can ring up a band's manager and say "I want Underworld to play at the Hollywood Bowl on 25th May 2009. How much?"

The manager would see if the band were interested ("wow, the Hollywood bowl eh - that's fantastic") and if so they'd come back with a price. Let's say $60k to cover their time, travel, crew etc

The promoter would then ring the Hollywood Bowl and say "I need to hire the venue on 25th May 2009. How much?"

"That'll be $300,000"

They've then got to do the math (18000 capacity @ $30 a ticket = $540,000 less $300,000 and $60,000) "Awesome", he thinks, I can make $180,000 on a gig.

Of course he has to actually 'promote' it and some inexperienced or greedy promoters might think "Fuck it, I'll do 95% of it via the fan base - viral marketing is cheap and effective enough. Then I'll spend $50k on some other bits and I'll still walk away with $120-$130k."

As the date looms the band will be asking "How's ticket sales?" thinking that everything is in hand. The promoter's reply will be "Great" (largely because all promoters only talk in superlatives and only tell people what they want to hear), so the band will be totally in the dark until the 11th hour when the promoter does the math again and realises "Holy shit, i've only sold 4000 tickets"

So that's overheads of $360,00 + inadequate marketing of $50k = $410,000
Less the sales of 4000 tickets @ $30 = $120,000
Leaving a grand loss of $290,000

"Oh shit" cue call to band management to say "Huston we have a problem"

This stuff always happens at the 11th hour and the band will be incredibly pissed-off about the whole affair and as such the chances of working with/for that promoter again will be somewhere between nil and zero because not only has the promoter proved themelves inept, they've also pissed-off the one thing that's most valuable to any band - their fans.

The promoter, having been given a rocket up his ass, would run round like a headless chicken and find an alternative venue with lower overheads and a smaller capacity and will offer the band an alternative (say, The House Of Blues). The band, seeing a way of not letting down their fans will decide to go with it and try and make the best of a bad job - after all they've planned to be in this area anyway.

Afterwards, if the promoter has any decency, he'll skulk off to work in a burger bar. Otherwise, he'll probably set up a record company

Last edited by Floating Dave; 09-10-2007 at 05:12 AM.
Old 09-10-2007, 01:59 AM
big screen satellite
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Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
i am so sorry to all those who wanted to see UW at Red Rocks, i really am, but i am pleased UW decied to relocate... it was obviously a big last minute decision to make, but most probably the right one in the light of day....

there are several issues here...

but simply the main one is that Underworld are, imo, no longer big enough to play these types of venues in the USA. I appreciate that there are thousands of UW fans out there and in the US, but i think a band that has not released any new /mainstream material in 5 years would struggle to fill a venue like Red Rocks now... (maybe after the new album drops, but before...mmm)

Underworld are still pretty large and influential in Europe, but even then i think they would stuggle to headline a number of large venues, even in this country... they sell out over here mainly because the venues they take on are small intermate and, again imo, better suited to the UW set up.

i just wonder if their stock in the US has fallen - the hard core fans will always show up, and it must have been those who bought the tix, but the harsh reality of it is, is that Underworld are just not that big a draw in the USA...

i know the guys in the US will state that there are plenty of fans, but thats simply not the case... otherwise this event would be on (ie. sold out) ... logistically it costs a great deal to tour the US, and I know Underworld will themselves personally be pissed off by this

i'm not blaming anyone except the promoters, but i think the last time UW played in the US they were a bigger proposition and more popular than they are now... its sad, but i think probably the truth, especially where the US is concerned

(note: i base none of this on actual fact, but speculation and the reality that they have not sold enough tickets for this one event)

i'm glad you guys are getting to see one of the best bands of the 90's still touring, so wherever they play enjoy it... its a long way to come and play, and they love you - so don't hate, you know you love them still - its just the fickle fans from years back who've lost the love that have caused this set back.
i will not be confused (with another FAN)
Old 09-10-2007, 04:11 AM
Scott Warner
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Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
This stuff always happens at the 11th hour and the band will be incredibly pissed-off about the whole affair and as such the chances of working with/for that promoter again will be somewhere between nil and zero because not only have they proved themelves inept, they've also pissed-off the one thing that's most valuable to any band - their fans.
That's an understatement in this situation. The guys are very upset about it. They basically had two options: relocate or cancel.
but simply the main one is that Underworld are, imo, no longer big enough to play these types of venues in the USA.
Depends on the region, really. They packed the Hollywood Bowl last night and that's a fairly large venue with a lot of history. In Los Angeles Underworld have established themselves as great live performers via their individual gigs and two Coachella stage headlining performances so there's likely to always be a sizeable, promotable audience here despite the ebb and flow in popular music.
Old 09-10-2007, 05:15 AM
big screen satellite
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Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
Originally Posted by Scott Warner
That's an understatement in this situation. The guys are very upset about it. They basically had two options: relocate or cancel.

Depends on the region, really. They packed the Hollywood Bowl last night and that's a fairly large venue with a lot of history. In Los Angeles Underworld have established themselves as great live performers via their individual gigs and two Coachella stage headlining performances so there's likely to always be a sizeable, promotable audience here despite the ebb and flow in popular music.
yeah i guess it does depend, support for this kind of act, will certainly vary from state to state... the US is hooj... and has varied musical tastes from area to area...

UW are probably less popular in certain parts of this country (the UK) and parts of Europe too, than others....

i just wonder though, if their popularity has wained since the last tour... they have been, to quote a well know track, 'underneath the radar' of a lot of people for quite a while now...

i certainly wish they do well in the US, and the HW Bowl show looked rammed so, who knows, i probably don't!!!

i just hope the Denver issue doesn't blight the tour experience...
i will not be confused (with another FAN)
Old 09-10-2007, 05:16 AM
barking dog
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Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
number of shows in america in last ten years vs. size of america

number of shows in europe in last ten years vs. size of europe

it's clear why they're more popular in europe.

i'll say it again though, i'm happy to see them in a half full club. incredible opportunity not many fans get to see.
triple-glazed and pebble-dashed
Old 09-10-2007, 05:18 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,522
Re: Denver show now at the Fillmore Auditorium
I sincerely hope that the gig at Fillmore will be the best Underworld gig of any tour in the known universe to make it up to you guys - and I am 100% sure that Rick, Karl and Darren will be gutted by this and will do the best job in the world to make sure that you all have a fantastic time.

Shaney: Please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, darling. Please rethink your decision, as you may live to regret giving up this opportunity of seeing them live. I know how long you have waited for this, and I know how much it meant to you. Don't decide on the back of all the frustration, anger and disappointment you must be feeling right now (and rightfully so). Give it another day to mull it over. Who knows when they will be back your side of the pond?
"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution" - Emma Goldman
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