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Old 05-15-2010, 11:32 AM
King of Snake
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Re: Good Day Today
why would KCRW add in gunshots?
"I have always LOVED Underworld" - Sir Elton John
Old 05-15-2010, 11:44 AM
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Re: Good Day Today
sounds like 'still alive' at the end of the video game portal.

it might warm up on me but the vocoder effects are really bothering me. the music is good.
Old 05-15-2010, 11:47 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: echo park
Posts: 137
Re: Good Day Today
censoring? so tired of @#@$%&!!

e.g. so tired of horseshit.... something not radiofriendly like that....

also regarding to vocal.... not sounding like karl .... is it possible that its not karl based and simply purely machine based..... not filtered human but pure mechanism... pure synth. kraftwerk ymo like the the high pitched tremolo voices repeating wir fahren auf der Autobahn in harmony in the middle of that song?

just thoughts.

i love this song. sounds like a person on an above ground train traveling the city, staring out the window, yes, in despair, yes feeling helpless, watching the city turn by, shades of sunflares whipping across. beaten, hopeful, buyt barely.
Old 05-15-2010, 11:59 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: echo park
Posts: 137
Re: Good Day Today
would also like to point out that this sounds like a cross between winjer and 8ball to me both in sound and themes.

with respect to gunshots again... especially them sounding off key.... spike jones' son said in an interview once that he felt his father and his fathers music never received the respect they deserverd because people did not realize how much work went into it nor did they get how much of a genius his father was.. "I mean my father realized that if you're gonna replace the last word in a line of a song with a gunshot and the song is in Bflat you have to replace it with a gunshot in B flat." (paraphrased but you get the point)
Old 05-15-2010, 12:02 PM
collateral damage
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Re: Good Day Today
hmm, good point about the gunshots maybe censoring something out. They aren't particularly a great element to the song, and i think what bothers me is that the effects are pretty identically repeated...seems kind of lazy.

But - i went walking in the rain this morning (it's pouring in Houston) and "Good Day today" was a perfect score. It's gone from "gross" to "great" in 12 hrs, maybe 10 listens.
I can imagine this being an anthem for many mornings' commutes to work!
Believe in Billy Records
Old 05-15-2010, 12:51 PM
King of Snake
smoking on the airplane
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Re: Good Day Today
well during the first (low pitched) gunshot you can also hear that the kick and snaredrum are left out for a beat for effect, which they couldn't have edited at KCRW. I dunno, it sounds like they are part of the original song to me.
"I have always LOVED Underworld" - Sir Elton John
Old 05-15-2010, 01:09 PM
kagenaki koe
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Re: Good Day Today
the gunshots in the song Paper Planes by MIA isn't censorship, and i don't think it's the same in this instance either.
Old 05-15-2010, 01:13 PM
barking dog
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Re: Good Day Today
the 'gunshots are added by kcrw' and 'this isn't underworld' arguments are completely ridiculous. listen harder guys.
triple-glazed and pebble-dashed
Old 05-15-2010, 01:15 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: echo park
Posts: 137
Re: Good Day Today
they are more clearly justified in mia's song i think. not saying that they are or are not intentional, just proposing a possibility.

plenty of songs use gunshots and other effects. i am not talking about those. just this song and its possibilities. if they are in there certainly violence at home and abroad in the news and in entertainment may be contributing to the speaker's malaise.... melancholy.... whats great is we are all interested in this song. in this music.

ive yet to hear someone say "i'm done. tuning out." this is very nice.
Old 05-15-2010, 05:30 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 893
Re: Good Day Today
i'm still not convinced. there was a ton of hype and promotion around scribble's release, and it was well thought out and marketed. this is some random song appearing in a playlist on a state-side NPR station. no mention from the band, no reference to it on the website.

i'm more than happy to be proven wrong if it's on the album when it's released or if someone finds confirmation. but until then i remain dubious.

i mean come on, how many of us have been listening to karl's vocal style for the majority of our adult lives? he doesn't just have a tone that can be masked with a vocoder. he has a particular pronunciation and enunciation quality that's unique to him alone. speaking or singing, when you hear karl you KNOW it's karl. but on this song we're debating it. i just don't feel karl's linguistic fingerprint on it. like i said, i could be totally wrong and i'm just looking for a flaw because i dislike the song. but even my husband, who isn't a fraction of a fan i am, said it didn't sound like karl's delivery style.

so i don't know. he could be trying something new and trying to step out of his "voice." but it's just not clicking with me with the same certainty that some of the rest of you have.
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