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Old 04-01-2007, 07:46 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: madison, wi
Posts: 408
Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
i'll be at the show at the metro hope to meet up with a few of you dirts there!
"death? not to the death. to dinner!"

Old 05-09-2007, 01:31 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
Ahhh, just got back from my trip to Chicago yesterday, the Metro show was really fucking good, especially the 20 minute "Yeah" at the end. Pretty much every single song he played was fantastic, even if "Someone Great" and "Losing My Edge" didn't appear. Plus I got to meet James at the Smart Bar...he told me he was running late, but he still signed my CD and took a few pictures with me. He was DJing later and you could go up and talk to him if you wanted. Really nice guy. It was maybe the best show I've ever seen, but I did get to catch Cornelius the following day, and that was pretty damn impressive too
Old 05-09-2007, 07:58 AM
needing Diet Mountain Dew
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1,921
Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
shit man... I forgot to post to you guys before I left. Although, I probably wouldn't have been able to hang out or anything, as I had to get up ass-early Monday morning to drive back to Iowa City to finish my financial report that was due that day

but yea - I also went to the show. it was fantastic, and YACHT wasn't too bad either!

although - I was a bit miffed that "Someone Great" and "Losing my Edge" weren't played
Old 05-09-2007, 08:44 AM
barking dog
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
agree that LCD are smokin hot on this tour. however, joe and other dude, don't be bummed about Someone Great or Losing My Edge not appearing. those songs don't translate live very well. i've seen LCD 2 times, the first time, Losing My Edge was the weakest track and the most recent show, Someone Great was very disappointing.

other than that, they were incredible.
triple-glazed and pebble-dashed
Old 05-09-2007, 10:56 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
I figured Losing my Edge wouldn't be played because he did Get Innocuous, but I was really hoping for Someone Great, especially since there was a short part after one of the songs that sounded like the opening of it and a bunch of people around me went nuts. The audience was dancing like crazy during pretty much the entire set, so something slower would have been nice.

But the best part of the night:

Old 05-09-2007, 11:47 AM
needing Diet Mountain Dew
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1,921
Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
yea... when they were setting up the stage - a bit of percussion came on that sounded like the intro to "Losing My Edge" - so I convinced myself that they were going to play it

then, when "Get Innocuous" started - I was one of those people going ape-shit... only to discover that it wasn't "Losing My Edge" (not to say that "Get Innocuous" isn't a great track)

but after I thought about it for a while... "Losing..." may not necessarily be a great song live, as there are an abundance of lyrics, and I'd imagine James might be a bit tired of the track, as it's what - five years old?

I am bummed that I didn't go down to Smartbar afterwards... but I seriously just plainly couldn't. I had to get up the next morning at 6.30 to get back to my paper that was due later that day.

seeing LCD live definitely solidified how endebted they are to Talking Heads [just listen to "The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads, Disc 2 (1980-1981)"] though (and early Brian Eno - stuff like "No One Receiving")
Old 05-09-2007, 12:23 PM
barking dog
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Romford
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Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
get innocuous is 100X better live than Losing My Edge. i've spent all week singing "you can normalize, don't it make you feel alive"
triple-glazed and pebble-dashed
Old 05-09-2007, 02:03 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 873
Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
The show in Vancity was amazing but we didn't get Sound of Silver. Bummer.

Who would have thought they could make Yeah even better?
everybody makes mistakes...but i feel alright when i come undone
Old 05-09-2007, 03:33 PM
barking dog
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Romford
Posts: 2,120
Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
hey adam, i haven't seen Sound of Silver on any setlists so far. not sure they're doing that one.
triple-glazed and pebble-dashed
Old 05-09-2007, 06:01 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: LCD Soundsystem North American Tour
Originally Posted by joethelion
yea... when they were setting up the stage - a bit of percussion came on that sounded like the intro to "Losing My Edge" - so I convinced myself that they were going to play it

then, when "Get Innocuous" started - I was one of those people going ape-shit... only to discover that it wasn't "Losing My Edge" (not to say that "Get Innocuous" isn't a great track)
Right, it was exactly the same for me too! James did say once that he doesn't like doing it, but it's hard for him not to because the band was really good at playing the song.

Definetely got to echo the thoughts on "Yeah"...I thought it was a nice groove, but maaaan was it relentless.
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