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Old 09-12-2005, 01:30 AM
Gentleman Loafer
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Re: "Sin City - Recut and Extended Edition" details!
see, i hated the follow the white rabbit thing. I like my extras to be clearly marked and accessible.

For me the extras may not be immediately important, but if I'm buying a DVD i'm essentially saying to myself "i like this enough to see it more than once more in my life" so i may not get to the extras immediately but maybe in 6 months when i'm looking for something to watch or something like that, they are nice to have on there.

That said, I think it was a previous thread where there was lots of going on and on about how most DVD extras suck nowadays, which i still find true. The few really informative and robust packages that they put out are still like gold to someone who's really into film though. The good commentaries can basically be like film schools, the good (and even sometimes bad) deleted scenes can be like editing class (anyone who saw the "extended" cut of Ray can certainly see why they cut the scenes they did i think... they should've kept cutting i think but i guess that's another post), and making-ofs can be like group discussions/dissections of the film when they're done right.

It's all variable of course... and i fully realize that tons of people aren't interested... but i think that DVD continues, for the most part, to be a healthy mix of what was VHS audiences (i.e. casual consumers) and laserdisc audiences (film geek/collectors)... so i think/hope that mix remains.

which is why we get a bare-bones single-disc version of Sin City (no doubt also available in full-screen) and the multi-disc "special" edition later on for those willing to buy it twice if they haven't heard a better version's on the way.
Old 09-12-2005, 06:11 AM
a small-minded madman
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Re: "Sin City - Recut and Extended Edition" details!
Originally Posted by bored
but to be honest, how many people actually watch all the bonus stuff?

I am very proud to admit that I have watched every single second of bonus material on every single DVD I own. I purposefully wait until the 'special edition' DVD comes out, just to get the bonus stuff. They pack so much good stuff into the DVD extra's these days, it is great.

But then again, I don't watch TV. So, DVD's are my only form of visual entertainment.
Old 09-12-2005, 12:13 PM
the mongoose
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Re: "Sin City - Recut and Extended Edition" details!
Originally Posted by b.miller

we get a bare-bones single-disc version of Sin City (no doubt also available in full-screen)
nope. they only made the bare-bones one in Widescreen....four different covers though.

Just like Matrix and LOTR, I've enjoyed the theatrical cuts and then given them as gifts or sold them to used DVD stores. Then I collect the super (and/or Uncut) versions later.

But yes, sometimes it is NOT worth double dipping because they don't come up with anything worth paying more for....

Gladiator Extended anyone?!?
Romans 6:4
Old 09-12-2005, 06:21 PM
Animal Boything
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Re: "Sin City - Recut and Extended Edition" details!
Originally Posted by myrrh
I am very proud to admit that I have watched every single second of bonus material on every single DVD I own. I purposefully wait until the 'special edition' DVD comes out, just to get the bonus stuff. They pack so much good stuff into the DVD extra's these days, it is great.

But then again, I don't watch TV. So, DVD's are my only form of visual entertainment.
Yeah, same here. At least, it's very rare that I don't eventually watch everything. There's still a lot of commentary tracks I haven't gotten around to yet, but commentary tracks are my favorite thing, so I know one day I'll sit through them all.

I think the Lord of the Rings DVD's win the prize for best extras ever, at this point, though that has a lot to do with the production itself having been so interesting. It's easy to get tired of hearing about a really typical film shoot, but those ones were made in such a unique way by such interesting people that every second of extra material is riveting.

The best commentary tracks I've heard so far are the author/screenwriter track on Fight Club and pretty much anything with Terry Gilliam.

Back on subject for a moment, ever since I first saw Sin City I've been dying to see how it was made. It's such a groundbreaking movie, the bonus stuff should be a blast. I'm looking forward to that DVD.
on the roof again
Old 09-12-2005, 11:48 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 7
Re: "Sin City - Recut and Extended Edition" details!
ever since I first saw Sin City I've been dying to see how it was made.
second that..
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