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Old 07-01-2009, 02:18 PM
Where in the world...?
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Originally Posted by myrrh View Post
I'll write more of a response to you later, I just want to mention something here.

So then, if I saw you and your wife walking down the street, and I happen to be horny, you would have no problem if I roundhouse kicked you in the head to knock you out, then bend your wife over and take her right there on the street corner? After all, isn't this how animals act? Would I be wrong, when you say that I raped her, that my response would be that we are animals and I was just acting like one?
Setting aside the inappropriateness of the analogy for now, what in the world does being a violent asshole have to do with the human species being a member of the animal kingdom? And yes, you would be absolutely, 100% wrong in saying "we are animals and I was just acting like one", because not all animals violently take a mate from another animal....especially humans. Nor are we compelled to duplicate the behavioral tendencies of another species simply because we're all animals. For instance, both lions and koala bears are animals, right? When a male lion takes over a pride, they kill and eat any baby lions left behind by the previous male leader. So by your logic, it should follow that koalas would share this behavioral tendency because they too are animals - and yet they don't. Have you ever seen any footage of a cute, cuddly koala with a blood-stained mouth devouring adorable little koala babies? I haven't. So why in the world would you suddenly assume that assault and rape could be somehow justified for humans simply because some other species out there exhibits those tendencies?

Sea turtles are animals, yet they lay their 20-some-odd eggs in holes on the beach, bury them and leave them to fend for themselves when they're born. Humans give birth to a single baby at a time and raise them until they're at least in their teens.

Frogs are animals, and some of them are capable of naturally morphing into the opposite sex as adults when the environment they live in necessitates it...doesn't mean we can do that too.

Birds are animals and they feed their babies by regurgitating into their mouths, but we don't feed our young that way.

Why should we automatically take on any of these behaviors simply because we too are animals? A fish doesn't behave like a moose, a dog doesn't behave like a bird, a lizard doesn't behave like a monkey, an elephant doesn't behave like a rat - so why should it stand to reason that humans should behave like anything but a human? There's absolutely no reason for fact the reasons against taking on these behaviors far outweigh any thin reasoning that we somehow should. Your points on this stuff are so off-base as to be ludicrous. Can you support your extreme stances with anything factual?
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Last edited by Sean; 07-02-2009 at 08:22 AM.
Old 07-01-2009, 02:44 PM
rico suave
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Originally Posted by myrrh View Post
Because of the above, I can never say that it would be 'okay' for a gay couple to adopt or raise a child.
I think we have something in common. We both have a segment of the population whom we feel are not adequate to raise or adopt children. For you its homosexuals. For me its the religiously pious. Just being honest.

And its clearly prejudiced and intolerant to paint all religiously fervent people as abusive parents. But you are doing nothing less with gays. You are talking about a nebulous environment of immorality under which children of gay parents must be raised. I can also talk about a nebulous environment of subjugation of individuality and of warping the relationships between a person and others, even their own bodies, under which children of the religiously fervent must be raised.

I'm using the same logic, but I kind of just used it to show that you are probably much more ill equipped to raise a child than Deckard. But of course that's not the kind of argument I'd want to make about a group of people. Even after I've seen what I've seen in my own religiously fervent community.
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."

- Mark Twain

Old 07-01-2009, 02:49 PM
rico suave
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Originally Posted by Strangelet View Post
I lol'ed. a frog and a horse come up to a body of water. The frog swims across and the horse gallops around it. Would you criticize the horse for not swimming? Would you call the frog not an animal because it swam?
Originally Posted by Sean View Post
Frogs are animals, and some of them are capable of actually changing sexes as adults when the environment they live in necessitates it...doesn't mean we can do that too.
yeah...i'm just going to get out from between you too. lol
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."

- Mark Twain

Old 07-01-2009, 03:03 PM
Where in the world...?
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Originally Posted by Strangelet View Post
yeah...i'm just going to get out from between you too. lol's good to see the same points being raised. Although I did modify the wording of my frog example after reading it back when you quoted it. Didn't want it to lead into some trans-gender conversation...
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Old 07-01-2009, 04:21 PM
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Originally Posted by myrrh View Post

So then, if I saw you and your wife walking down the street, and I happen to be horny, you would have no problem if I roundhouse kicked you in the head to knock you out, then bend your wife over and take her right there on the street corner? After all, isn't this how animals act? Would I be wrong, when you say that I raped her, that my response would be that we are animals and I was just acting like one?
You'd risk getting gutted, like a fish, too.

Old 07-01-2009, 07:29 PM
a small-minded madman
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Originally Posted by Strangelet View Post
I think we have something in common. We both have a segment of the population whom we feel are not adequate to raise or adopt children. For you its homosexuals. For me its the religiously pious. Just being honest.

And its clearly prejudiced and intolerant to paint all religiously fervent people as abusive parents. But you are doing nothing less with gays. You are talking about a nebulous environment of immorality under which children of gay parents must be raised. I can also talk about a nebulous environment of subjugation of individuality and of warping the relationships between a person and others, even their own bodies, under which children of the religiously fervent must be raised.

I'm using the same logic, but I kind of just used it to show that you are probably much more ill equipped to raise a child than Deckard. But of course that's not the kind of argument I'd want to make about a group of people. Even after I've seen what I've seen in my own religiously fervent community.

This is why I rarely post here anymore. I have never said that anyone is ill equipped to raise a child. In fact, if you read my post, I said exactly the opposite.

Let me restate my position again in the simplest terms I can:

I feel that a homosexual couple can raise a child, and provide the child with a loving and caring environment.

However, since I don't agree with a homosexuality, I can not support something that would say that it is 'okay' for a homosexual couple to raise a child. I don't think that it is 'okay', based on my person opinion, ideology and moral's.

These are my personal opinions, and I am entitled to have them. I don't feel that I am forcing them upon anyone here, nor do I think that I am not an open or broadminded person. In fact, I would say that I am very opened minded, unless your definition of opened minded means that you have to accept everything as being okay, and not have an opinion other than that.

I have nothing against Deckard, or Sean. I tend to only comment on things they post because they are two people who speak in well thought out logical, and rational terminology. They don't resort to the snide bullshit like was quoted here, that tends to be spit out by many. Because of this, I can sit and discuss things with them, and people like them, even on points where we clearly disagree. I don't feel that I disrespect them (or anyone) with my posts, either.

If anyone here feels differently, then feel free to speak up, and I will attempt to correct my speech.
Old 07-01-2009, 08:30 PM
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Originally Posted by myrrh View Post

If anyone here feels differently, then feel free to speak up.
i think you're pretty funny.
i think a lot of people here are improbably patient with you because they dont know what yr fucking deal is couched in, thinking that protesting is just another form of terrorism, or that somehow people who you 'allow' to be perfectly functioning people shouldnt be allowed to exist as such and raise a family because of what you believe in.

i think yr a classy idiot whose lucidity is all thats keeping him from being in the same circle of forum-hell as jOHN. i dont care if you stop posting, honestly.
Old 07-01-2009, 08:35 PM
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Don't hate because I'm beautiful.

Old 07-01-2009, 08:52 PM
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
Old 07-01-2009, 09:01 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Re: is there anyone else who is pro-life AND pro-gay rights, or is it just me?
As long as I know I've made you scream, I'm satisfied.

Click the fucking ignore button bitch.

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