Daft Punk - Alive 2007
Pretty much everyone who downloaded the now famous Coachella bootleg knows that, even though their latest studio attempt was less than money most of the time, their live show ruled harder than ever. As good as that recording was, it could never be as good as an actual soundboard recording, which is what this is - nearly the exact same show as the Coachella one, just higher sound quality in an 'official' release, which should give techno fans everywhere something to celebrate. If you haven't heard the bootleg (or any of the other ones that cropped up), you're in for a treat - I'm not kidding when I say this is one of the greatest electronic live discs ever made (second only to Everything, Everything in my eyes), and anyone who was ever miffed by the tediousness of an actual Daft Punk album will find this a reason to love the band.
Anyone else got their hands on it??