So what's going to happen with the "other" tracks?
I remember hearing "You Do Scribble" for the first time and thinking, "this has got to be the new single, this seriously rules!" and was dreaming about how great the studio version would be. "Always Loved a Film" was the same way, and of course the track "Darc" just seems too fleshed out to have been left in the dust. All three of these tracks seem fairly complete, they totally rule, and yet even with a new album we don't get them...
Okay, so what do you guys think is going to happen with them? Was OWB nearly complete by the time this tracks were written or something? Will they be B-sides? Or just not come out at all? I remember a thread a while back where Karl said he almost cut "Jumbo" from Beacoup Fish because he didn't really like it...could this be the same case? I mean we all agree these tracks rule don't we??
To be honest I'm a little divided...I love the fact that OWB is full of (mostly) never before heard stuff, but I worry that these tracks may never see the light of day. What do YOU think???