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Old 10-16-2017, 06:53 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Re: RELEASED! 1998.12.31 Temptation NYE, Alexandra Palace, London, UK NEW AUDIO CONST
awesome! but im not seeing this on the tracker
Old 10-16-2017, 07:19 AM
flows like a river
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Re: RELEASED! 1998.12.31 Temptation NYE, Alexandra Palace, London, UK NEW AUDIO CONST
Originally Posted by potatobroth View Post
awesome! but im not seeing this on the tracker
Read directly above. May have been deleted so they can redo a track with a much better sourced version than is currently available.
Old 10-16-2017, 12:43 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 305
Re: RELEASED! 1998.12.31 Temptation NYE, Alexandra Palace, London, UK NEW AUDIO CONST
Yeah that's what a happening...hopefully be redone by end of this weekend maybe
Old 10-16-2017, 04:14 PM
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Re: RELEASED! 1998.12.31 Temptation NYE, Alexandra Palace, London, UK NEW AUDIO CONST
Originally Posted by Yannick View Post
yeah like todd sayd just redo it. no worry. its not like we are on14.4k modem anymore lol.
haha maybe not, but believe it or not. i haven't had high speed internet for
over 6 years now.

i just use a wifi hotspot. and for heavy duty downloads go somewhere else.

Old 10-16-2017, 04:19 PM
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Re: RELEASED! 1998.12.31 Temptation NYE, Alexandra Palace, London, UK NEW AUDIO CONST
ah my bad. assumed that was a 'down the road' type thing. all good. thanks
Old 10-26-2017, 02:11 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 305
1998-12-31 (NYE) Temptation, Alexandra Palace NEW VERSION UPGRADE
So the new version upgrade of the Temptation NYE show from 1998 is now ready and up on the RTSR tracker. This now includes a new DAB source for two (and a quarter) tracks.
Sorry to all those who already grabbed the first version but believe me this is worth the double dip download!
Enjoy. Let me know what you think.

Here's the info file:


Live @ Temptation, Alexandra Palace, London, UK

New Years Eve, 31st December, 1998

Originally recorded by BBC Radio One

Audio Quality 9/10 (Various sources)
[Audio Quality 7 for the S1 RAW UNCUT BBC FILE - only used for two
small sections]

01.-Intro- 00:16
02.Mmm, Skyscraper...I Love You 11:56
03.Cowgirl 08:45
04.Push Upstairs 11:17
05.King of Snake 17:18
06.Ramajama (with Moaner lyrics) 08:13
07.Dark & Long (Dark Train) 09:18
08.Born Slippy .NUXX 12:17
09.Rez 09:07




This show has been compiled from the best sources we could find for each
track and is an upgrade on a version done by Jamie Lochhead 10 years ago.
(Almost every track has a cross between various sources to keep using the
best sources possible because the best sources dont have complete versions
of each track. We have tried to make the crosses as smooth as possible and
hope we have done a good job and that you don't notice them).

Thanks to Jamie for putting that first version together and for all the
help he has given me over the years with putting together Orbital shows
which has been invaluable for getting this show into the shape it is now.
Jamie is also going to rework his original awesome cover he did for his
release for us to use on this release. I have created a temporary cover
for the show for the minute until Jamie can complete his reworked cover.

I've been planning to make a new version of this show for a while now
and then beginning of 2016 I got hold of 3 broadcasts from BBC6 (2 of the
same set of tracks and 1 other set of tracks) with 5 tracks from the show
across the broadcasts.
Also after then speaking to some members on RTSR (Underworld live recordings
tracker) I also managed to get hold of a copy of the FULL gig from an UNCUT
BBC FILE that came from the BBC archives. Unfortunately this file was from a
low quality mp3 that was done around the early 2000's before people realized
that low bit rate mp3's wasn't the best way to preserve recordings. So this
file was only mono (not stereo) and was a bit of a dull muffled recording. A
real shame as a good quality stereo recording might have saved a lot of the
eventual construction that had to be done around this show.
This full uncut file though has provided small little missing pieces from the
very start of the show and Skyscraper and from the start of Rez near the end
of the show.
It has also been good to use as a MASTER GUIDELINE on the editing timeline to
see if anything else was missing and exactly where each track was from the full
show. It showed us that there was a complete missing minute from the breakdown
near the end of King Of Snake. This extra minute was only on the recent BBC6
broadcasts and this uncut file. All previous broadcasts had edited it out.

NEW INFO: on this new upgrade we got hold of another more recent set of BBC6 DAB
broadcasts which included Cowgirl (and the preceding 3 minutes of the end of
Skyscraper) and Rez.

BBC Radio 1 recorded the whole concert on New Years Eve and then broadcast the
show over two different nights (Steve Lamacq and Annie Nightingale) but they
broadcast the tracks in a different order to the play order and so created
some overlaps that blended into tracks they shouldn't have on the night.
Which was slightly annoying but still amazing to get the full show over two
nights only after a week after the actual gig.

So a bit of background before getting into how this show was put together.

This was my favourite Underworld gig I've ever been to. This was at the
height of Underworld MkII and although only an hour and a half set for a
special New Years Eve performance, every version of every track from this
night blew the roof off Alexandra Palace. One of my best New Years Eve's ever.
Most tracks are 9 minutes or longer and King Of Snake is a mammoth 17 minute
epic (now we have the full version).UW played what we now know is called
"Ramajama" but Karl sang the lyrics to Moaner over the top of it which was
an awesome new twist. It really is a special show for me personally and now
I hope everyone else can enjoy the full majesty of this (now complete) show.

So now some background on the sources we used for putting this show together.

Various sources > Pro Tools LE > wav > Audacity > FLAC (level



> CDR > flac (File copied from BBC archiving process around 2000. Is low
quality and is only mono but is the complete recording made by BBC Radio 1).


> FM > CDR > flac (Broadcast by Swedish National Radio (SR) on 14th April
1999. This material was ripped from CD quality source. But this broadcast
had a lot of DJ talk and radio stings that were removed and doesnt have
totally complete versions of the 5 tracks played except for Born Slippy.
Tracks on this = Mmm...Skyscraper (missing beginning and end sections)/Push
Upstairs (missing beginning)/King Of Snake (missing beginning and 1 minute of
middle section of breakdown near end of track)/Dark & Long (Dark Train) (missing
beginning)/Born Slippy NUXX (complete track). This was the source for the Bootleg
Babies versions of these tracks.


> original 160kbps .ts file direct from BBC REDUX site > wav (compiled from 3 different
broadcasts: 05.10.10/25.05.12/16.08.13 Great quality full versions of 5 tracks).
Tracks on this: Push Upstairs/King Of Snake (complete 17 minute version)/Dark &
Long (Dark Train)/Born Slippy NUXX/Rez


> flac (of Jamie's original construction of the same show from various sources)
No tracks actually used from here but this source was critical to deciding which
sources to use and how to put them together.


> FM > 2 x metal cassette tapes > audacity > wav (these are recordings I made
direct from my radio to metal cassette tape when both the Radio 1 shows were
originally broadcast back in 1999.
Tracks on this (listed as they were broadcast): NIGHTINGALE SHOW - Mmm...Skyscraper
(missing very start of track)/Cowgirl/Push Upstairs (Annie talking through middle of
track)/Rez LAMACQ SHOW - King Of Snake (missing 1 minute of breakdown near end of
track)/Ramajama (with Moaner lyrics)/Dark & Long (Dark Train)/Born Slippy NUXX.


BBC iPlayer > 320kbps m4a > audacity > wav (compiled from 3 different broadcasts:
31.03.16/31.10.16/29.09.17 Great quality full versions of 4 tracks) (plus a few minutes
of the end of another track).
Tracks on this: (last 3 mins of) Skyscraper/Cowgirl/Dark & Long (Dark Train)
/Born Slippy NUXX/Rez
Old 10-26-2017, 02:13 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 305
Re: 1998-12-31 (NYE) Temptation, Alexandra Palace NEW VERSION UPGRADE
So now onto the edit construction (with the new upgrade construction info too).


All sources remastered (by Bill - massive thanks to Bill) to make all sources
sound as close as possible to the S2 BERTS SWEDISH RADIO as this was the best quality
source of the show. Then after show was edited together Bill boosted the low end across
the show where needed. Source S1 Bill used a reverb plug-in on the complete file to
make the mono file sound a bit more stereo.
Notes below detail each track and how we went from each source to construct the tracks
and any other fixes for any other errors in each track.

01 - -Intro- = S1 with added crowd underneath.

02 - Mmm...Skyscraper, I Love You =
-S1 for very start notes (with crowd added underneath)
-cross fade to S5 at 00:07-00:09 seconds (with crowd added underneath)
-beat drop out at 02:15 minutes patched with surrounding beats
-cut to S2 at 02:45 minutes
-glitch at 04:16 minutes fixed with surrounding beats
-right channel drop out of some tracks from the mixing desk 05:46-05:50 mins fixed
by using the left channel copied and pasted
-cross fade to S6 at 08:30-08:32 mins (NEW SOURCE USED FOR END OF SKYSCRAPER NOW)
-at 10:01 - 10:08 mins a drum error on stage partially fixed by using the following 8
bars to patch some of the previous 8 bars with the errors. I couldnt patch all of it
out because the first couple of bars have the end of note of a synth from the breakdown
and I then copied that distintive "duh duh duh da da" synth from 08:30mins to add to the
patched you can only hear a bit of the drum error at the start of that 8 bars
[We have included a PURIST version of Skyscraper which still has the complete drums error
in it for those who want to preserve and listen to what happened on the night for the full
live experience. As a note the Radio 1 broadcast edited those 8 bars with the drum error
out completely of the show. It was only on the S2 Swedish broadcast and the S6 NEW BBC6
DAB broadcasts].

03 - Cowgirl =
-Glitch error at 07:20 - 07:22 patched with surrounding bars
-Glitch error at 07:26 - 07:28 patched with surrounding bars
-crowd added at end to mask crossover from S6 Cowgirl finish into S3 Push Upstairs start

04 - Push Upstairs =
-S3 from start (00:00 - 00:44)
-opening notes created using surrounding bars of S3 as they were a bit muffled beneath
the crowd and added other crowd noise to smooth the start. crowd noise drops off fast
but thats how the actual broadcast actually sounded too.
-cut to S2 at 00:44

05 - King Of Snake =
-cross fade to S3 from start (00:00) with a little added crowd from end of Push Upstairs
-cut to S2 00:25
-cut to S3 12:59 (this is to get the missing minute from every other broadcast)
-cross fade back to S2 14:07-14:14 with added crowd underneath to help mask source
-Cross fade to S5 crowd at 17:13 till end

06 - Ramajama (with Moaner lyrics) =
-S5 for whole track
-scratch glitch repaired at around 02:02 mark using surrounding bars
-added crowd at end to cross fade into S3 at very end
-this track is the only track from the metal tape recordings and the broadcast that
night had a bit of radio static and you can hear the hiss especially at the beginning
we did try some hiss reductions but it took too much else away from the track so we
have left it as it is. Would love to try find another source for this that does not
have so much static if anyone out there has one contact me (

07 - Dark & Long (Dark Train) =
-S3 from 00:00 and added a little bit of crowd under start
-cross fade to S2 at 02:48-02:55

08 - Born Slippy .NUXX =
-all S2
-repaired glitch scratch at 00:52 with surrounding beats
-cross fade to S1+S5 combined with added crowd at 11:59 with Karl talking & crowd at
end of the track

09 - Rez =
-S1 for start (00:00) with added crowd underneath to get missing Karl singing at the
beginning and the proper opening of his singing the note "ooooooohhh" not on any other
-cross fade to S6 NEW SOURCE 00:12-00:16 for rest of whole track

ALTERNATE FOLDER - includes the Intro track and the version of Mmm...Skyscraper, I Love

You which still has the double drums error at around the 10 minute mark for PURISTS

who want the errors that happened on stage to be in the release. You can just swap

out these two tracks for the main AUDIO folder tracks and it will all work smoothly.

TEMPORARY ART - includes my very basic covers for anyone burning CD's. Jamie Lochhead

is re-working his original release cover for us to include later so we have a top quality


CONSTRUCTION PICS FOLDER - some shots of Audacity highlighting the construction of this

Audio Remastering by Bill

Patching & Editing by Matt

Thanks to Bill, Jamie, Ennisellis (from themixingbowl), Mike, Geoff, Yannick and Mark.

Hope you all enjoy this new construction of one of Underworld's best shows ever.

Any feedback is welcome. Good and Bad. or a new source for "Ramajama (with Moaner

Please do not distribute as MP3 or in other lossy formats.

Pass on and torrent for free, do not sell.
Old 10-30-2017, 03:37 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 305
Re: 1998-12-31 (NYE) Temptation, Alexandra Palace NEW VERSION UPGRADE
Right my internet has sorted itself out now so it should be easier to grab this now from the RTSR tracker
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