Re: The Wire
having succumbed to temptation and watched the review copies of Season 5, I can hands down say that this show has the biggest balls in all of TV land. It's really hard for me to believe that season 5 is playing out the way it is. Genius.
I re-watched seasons 1-4 right beforehand and am firmly convinced that this show is so far above and beyond any other television. It really shouldn't even be called TV, more like a 60-hour time capsule, social document, and five-star film. I can't wait until 20 years from now when it's generally regarded as one of the all-time great pieces of entertainment and I'll be the old fart in the corner saying I was there when it came on and nobody watched it.
I still think season 3 is the pinnacle but I am officially shocked and awed by season 5 so far.