Hybrid - I Choose Noise
Been enjoying this one on my cross country roadtrip. It's your typical Hybrid with the 'movie score' strings mixed with breakbeats.
I guess I've been really in the mood for this type of stuff lately and this album really hit the spot. There are a few guest vocalists on the album, and I also believe Harry Gregson Williams (film composer) has collaborated on this one (as well as with BT's "This Binary Universe").
The album has excellent production; it sounds very clean and it's beats are very dynamic so they always hit nicely. The melodies range from beautiful and cinematic (Falling Down and Until Tomorrow) to even being dark and aggressive at times (Hooligan Spirit and Last Man Standing). It seems that every song is constructed with really unique sounding samples, which is something I love from Hybrid. It always makes for a refreshing listen.
I'm curious if anyone has picked up this album on iTunes before its official release?