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Old 10-10-2005, 02:08 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: roc city LIVE!
Posts: 12
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Re: New Boards of Canada single up for bigload
Originally Posted by redrum
you sound like a bunch of meth addicts. Get it together, do you really think you are listening to boards of canada off shareware,,,, "do you really think that's air your breathing, in this place"?....uhhh, NO! They are just random tracks done by fans, pranksters preying on your naivity, someone taking a crap, etc. You little parasites. Please don't act like you know anything about them cause you don't (nor do i). You don't even know much about yourself even though the gods have made you think that you really do. It's just interesting here how deranged we all are isn't it? A bunch of junkies puking all over each other.

It just goes to show that most people will do anything that's hyped by the uber alles fuhrer. For whatever elitist, dorko, popular media says, is soon to be what you say, eh? "You must get this now, we're experts." to "I must get this now, the experts said so, I must obey or be cast out of the alpha beta slag squad". Silly greedy little insecure goobers. Take a look at yourselves as little minions for satans scaly pecker, and feel regret, angish, and reality. Ipods don't play oggs. As of now, the denial runs thick, and the anger and finger pointing present themselves. Standard... After you cool out, maybe you could check some of the artists that don't cause you to take "the mark" to listen to their music. Or maybe you could focus your space and time on something that actually does something for somebody, next to just gimmie gimmie consume all kill destroy, i eat natural toxic waste music, identity crisisisisisisis, don't sound depressing, I'm going to cry, don't watch, I'm cool, stop biting nancy, buy now, go stare at the corner.
Money does not make the world go round. duuuhh

...or at least don't make fun of meth addicts, homeless people, alcoholics, workaholics/ wage slaves, overweight people, george bush, anyone in debt/indentured servants, "property owners", gasoline buyers, raw jocks, msg consumers, dead people or anyone else that is just like you.

The only boards of canada single you are going to get is from bleep and you guys are like wierd, man. ...aren't you tired of it all yet?
You would have to be an idiot to think some of the tracks are actually BOC but if you care enough you can match your DLs to the real ones and see how you do. I got about 40%real tracks, 60% fake. Your response cracked me up. WE ARE WEIRD MAN and so are you so that is why you are here. hahahhahaha
hell is other people. YO!

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