Re: Thoughts on Barking (Track by Track)
I'm surprised by the amount of people that are disappointed...I am pleasantly surprised with the album. I think it sounds incredible, way better than I thought it was going to be. It has a pop, single-friendly sound, but at the same time you have dark and brooding moments (especially with the beautiful Grace).
Bird 1 sounds incredible, it's a great opener track. It's Strumpet for God's sake, it's what we've always been wanting and we are finally getting it in a great form, yet people are disliking it? I guess I just don't understand why. Grace even sounds like the best version of Telematic Peal I've ever heard. Always Loved a Film is way better than its single version, as is the case with Scribble (since you hear more bits of YDS). I would have loved to have YDS instead of Scribble, but that idea got shot down long ago.
I agree that Hamburg Hotel is a bit strange, but it doesn't seem different from other UW releases. They seem to do this with every album, and I'm quite liking the track since it balances the pacing of the album. Diamond Jigsaw is even great (mainly the chorus...the opening is a bit too much at times); which I'm stunned because I'll admit I was scared when I heard PVD was going to collaborate.
I will agree that Louisiana is...different. I was turned off the first time I listened to it and I'll admit as of right now, it might be the weakest point in the album. But I have a feeling that it will change the more I listen to it. The only thing that's turning me off is the vocals, but like I said I think it's a grower. And the bonus track is completely sweet. Ambient UW = awesome.
So yeah, I'm thrilled with the release and I hope more people enjoy it as much as I do. UW gets a big thumbs-up from me. I like it more than OWB and AHDO. Sure, I would love UW to get back to their roots and make releases like Second Toughest in the Infants, but I don't think there's any turning back. Bands evolve; some do it for the better and some for the worse. I personally think UW is continuing to grow in a unique way.