Originally Posted by joethelion
...I still wouldn't mind a copy of the "fake Underworld" track
Also - is it just me, or has the quality of "fake songs" gone seriously up in recent years. I mean, all those countless, horrible fake ones that you'd find on Napster back in the late 90's
and nowadays - I've even actually purchased 12"-es for a 'fake mix' - Most recently, the Digitalism "Taken Away" Justice Remix... it wasn't by Justice, it was some random electro duo or something....
this actually reminds me of a song i supposedly had by underworld i got off of napster or some other such service called 'afterglow'. it was a bit odd, but i kind of liked it. (haha no not the genesis song, although the g-tune is massively better) i still have it listed as UW in iTunes if anyone would like to hear another UW fake: