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Old 04-15-2007, 01:40 PM
marca libre
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: mexico city
Posts: 345
Re: Grindhouse
after all the mix reviews i read.. we decided to go and see it after having enough booz and stuff, so we can be super dizzy. I knew this grinhouse stuff is not my type and probably sober i would be complaning more right now. . But i'm satisfied. No real complains i have a good time and i want those soundtracks NOW

Planet Terror feels more natural to Rodriguez no sense type that i love.
Old 04-21-2007, 07:09 AM
kid cue
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: new york city
Posts: 582
Re: Grindhouse

i thought the film fx in Planet Terror was too self-conscious & eclectic for its own good. the missing reel part in general was a pretty contrived gesture. the gun leg was obv meant to be this over-the-top wild ride to the end of the film, but somehow fell short. the film seemed ambitious with all the elements it was trying to pull together, but i felt like it never quite got there. QT's acting really got to me.

so did Zoe Bell's. the rest of the movie was cool though. the dialogue didn't bother me too much. i kind of like how he just slapped it in there. maybe it made the film too QT and not enough grindhouse (i wouldn't know), but he is the director, and it became its own thing. the last chase was a total blast.
Old 04-25-2007, 10:26 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 291
Re: Grindhouse

But where once the arrival of a new Quentin Tarantino film was a highlight of the cinema year, his latest work is languishing in limbo without a British or Australian release date.

For months, Grindhouse, a $US100million ($120 million) double bill of nostalgic horror films made with his friend Robert Rodriguez, had been scheduled to arrive in British cinemas on June 1 and Australia on May 10.

After disastrous box office takings in the US, it has been withdrawn while Harvey and Bob Weinstein, the films' producers, try to formulate a rescue strategy.

A spokesman for Momentum Pictures, the films' British distributor, said yesterday: "We are reviewing the release date and the release plans. It will definitely be released here but we don't know in what form."
Old 05-05-2007, 12:31 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 1,160
Re: Grindhouse
I feel a few weeks late and about ten dollars short on this thread, but I finally got around to seeing the film this evening.

Surprisingly I enjoyed it much more than I was expecting. Rodriguez's film surprised a bit by how hyped it had been and how it was so hit and miss at times. I did like his tinkering and fiddling here and there with the image and sound but it felt a bit too deliberate and the way he does his own score seems to be quickly treading into the waters of John Carpenter land. There were times where it sound like bits of the score from Sin City.

Tarantino's Death Proof seemed to get the most slogging from my friends who had seen the film and I found myself liking it, but really wish a few things would happen, reiterating what others in the pages before this post have said, his characters are just too Tarantino for their own good now. But what also irritates me a great deal more is when he appears in his films. Between him, M. Night Shamalamadingdong and Kevin Smith, I would take Kevin Smith anyday, and that is being very forgiving. Someone needs to restrain Tarantino's insistence(ego) upon appearing in his own work.

But my main problem was there was not enough of Stuntman Mike! Kurt Russell was just a fucking pleasure to watch, and there wasn't nearly enough of him. The car chase/action was fun too along with Tarantino's stellar choice of music.

So yeah, it was more enjoyable than I was expecting it to be. My friend and I that saw it this evening are both projectionist and were grinning like hell at some of the little bits here and there that popped up. I only wish there would have been some more count down mylar type stuff or having the framing appear to be off for a minute or two in the scene deliberately so someone would think there is a problem with the film, get up to complain, only to return to the auditorium and find the film back in proper framing.

And the trailers, I loved the trailers!

Last edited by grady; 05-05-2007 at 09:21 AM.
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