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Old 08-01-2017, 06:44 PM
Heal yourself,
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Can only hope the lack of live content is for an upcoming EE reissue. Waiting to figure out what elements of the unknown demos went into album tracks and stuff again as always.
Sine thesis
Old 08-01-2017, 10:58 PM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Originally Posted by big screen satellite View Post
personally, i think we're being a little 'fan boy' unfair to this release...
who, if not fanboys'n'girls, will be buying this?
Old 08-02-2017, 04:50 AM
big screen satellite
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
i know fan boys / girls will be the main audience for this, but there are a serious lot more UW fans out there than frequent this forum, who probably do NOT have anywhere near as much stuff as the 1% in here do... every uw gig sells out, THOSE fan boys / girls may be the target audience...

re: moaner mixes

i suspect that there may have been licencing issues over Moaner, as it was released via Warner for the B&R movie, and only the album version is available...

re: remastering

Remastered - I understand that this whole set has been remastered, as far as i remember the Italian KOS remixes were poor quality here's hoping they sound better here. i hope they remastered the remixes too.

I think if we're looking at the reasons for this release. It is a complete 'update' of what was released at the time of BF, plus all of Ricks' back room cuts - I believe anything that was a decent full track would have been included on disc 2.

And then most of the Remixes that came with it or to promote it (3 PU 12" promos were issued FFS!). They commissioned their own music to be remixed by some pretty decent producers at the time... Heck, Underworld were themselves remixing people to bits in the 90's - UW are dance music and this was the album that they pimped out.

Do we merit two discs of remixes...? well yes as they are part of what made this album a success, like it or not,

and no - but no only because there is demand for live versions in its place (we may well get another live album - but tbh - UW did do a deal to release a load of live albums a while back, and we also had EE)

Live albums are real fan boy bounty. which is why UW have never had any issue with live recordings being shared - more live on disc? defeats the object of seeing them yourself, imo.

With STITI and Dubno, there were much less remixes. Don't hate the package - it is what it is. fan boys don't have to buy it... and probably won't but i'm sure UW are not gonna go broke.

annnd no one seems to bemoan the fact we're getting a re-issue of an album less than 20 years old, which will make either the original purchase of BF redundant (as the sound quality will be better) - are you happy that the cost of the old album isn't being refunded

everyone wants to hear disc 2 (and perhaps a couple of the unreleased remixes), and in order to get that you're gonna have to buy the lot... harsh, but i've seen worse repackage deals for one or two new tracks... and some crappy sleeve notes...
i will not be confused (with another FAN)
Old 08-02-2017, 11:28 AM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
aww people, shut up.

i was discussing this with Alice in twitter the other day and I think the other tracks (esp. the web tracks) are not in this comp because those might be lost or because they wanted to commit the highest quality sounding tracks to remaster. blue mountain jam? that thing sounds like a realmedia track. if you don't have a high quality recording of that, why bother?

besides, this project has been sitting in abbey road since last year... if they don't release it now, then when? it does look rushed, i think it needs a 5th cd, but if there's no hi res material, why? do you guys remember the clipping in Big Meat Show? do you want more of that? cut the crap.

my only complain is that the singles box isn't there in its entirety.
Old 08-02-2017, 01:14 PM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Na, i'm not rushing to buy it, and I'm not buying the fanboy demands to love it. It don't excite me and that's how it is.

Its great to see what I assume is Bruce Lee (Dobropet) and Please Help Me But where are King Of Snake (Barking Mix) and King Of Snake (Rick's Bungalow Remix) (as well as Moaner (Relentless Legs Mix))

If disk 2 has great stuff, like King of Snake (early demo) all clean and crisp then I might pick it up, but I'm not dropping £55 incase its gold, I'm waiting to see,
Old 08-02-2017, 11:41 PM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
I already have all the Beaucoup UK singles in my collection, will definitely check out disc 2 and those Italian KoS remixes, but not sure I'll be buying the Box set. I honestly think this will be the last album to get the 4CD box treatment too.
Old 08-03-2017, 04:19 AM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
I agree that an Everything Everything deluxe edition might be why there's no live material this time around - three concerts on CD and an expanded version of the original DVD? - and I hope it's the case (the lack of Cowgirl remixes on both this and the Dubno box could potentially suggest so too). Frankly I'd love to see AHDO and OWB get the super-deluxe treatment too, as I think both albums are incredibly unfairly overlooked.

Originally Posted by twicezero View Post
Its great to see what I assume is Bruce Lee (Dobropet) and Please Help Me But where are King Of Snake (Barking Mix) and King Of Snake (Rick's Bungalow Remix) (as well as Moaner (Relentless Legs Mix))
KOS (Barking Mix) is one of my favourite Underworld tracks. The charming absurdity of it is right up my street.

1. Moaner (Relentless Legs)
2. Push Upstairs (The Large Unit)
3. King of Snake (Barking Mix)
4. King of Snake (Rick's Bungalow Mix)
5. Bruce Lee (Short)
6. Bruce Lee (Dobropet)

Even if half of CD3 had been this it would have been a more appealing option (and I'd be able to clear some shelf space getting rid of those tracks on single).

Ah well.
Old 08-03-2017, 11:10 PM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
I'd love an expanded Everything, Everything with the full show. I remember the DVD had two bonus songs.

but what I would REALLY love is all of the 2005-2006 stuff... Pizza For Eggs, Lovely Broken Thing, and I'm A Big Sister, And I'm A Girl, And I'm A Princess And This Is My Horse as separate tracks with all of remixes and additional material backed with the Live In Tokyo 25th November 2005 ‎ release. I feel these are its own thing and not a part of Oblivion With Bells.

an Oblivion With Bells set could be awesome with a disc or two Best Of live track selection from the live albums they put out during this period.

Last edited by iamneorev; 08-03-2017 at 11:14 PM.
Old 08-04-2017, 10:22 AM
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
Originally Posted by iamneorev View Post
I'd love an expanded Everything, Everything with the full show. I remember the DVD had two bonus songs.

but what I would REALLY love is all of the 2005-2006 stuff... Pizza For Eggs, Lovely Broken Thing, and I'm A Big Sister, And I'm A Girl, And I'm A Princess And This Is My Horse as separate tracks with all of remixes and additional material backed with the Live In Tokyo 25th November 2005 ‎ release. I feel these are its own thing and not a part of Oblivion With Bells.

an Oblivion With Bells set could be awesome with a disc or two Best Of live track selection from the live albums they put out during this period.
check out the craft section, for this post:
Oblivion With Bells Tour mixes

you'll find it interesting.

Old 08-05-2017, 02:05 PM
needing Diet Mountain Dew
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Re: Beaucoup Fish - 4 CD Remastered Deluxe Box Set (8/25/2017)
I find it hilarious that the deluxe edition of BF isn't even out yet, and we're already getting excited about the possibility of a new version of EE

...having said that - it would be great to have a 'beefed up' version of EE. It's been a long while since I listened to it, but from what I recall - it didn't have any improvs

and yes - there were a few bonus songs on the dvd; 'Kittens' and 'Rowla' on the main section of the disc, then a live version of 'Dark Train' as well.

...then there was all the dvd-rom content too.


but I think the BIGGEST oversight, would be if R+K didn't re-release the web-only content in higher resolution. I don't need a cd, a download would even be nice. But seriously it's insane that "King of Snake [Spoken Word Version]" is only available as a 128 kbps mp3!!!

Last edited by joethelion; 08-05-2017 at 02:07 PM.
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