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Old 03-23-2016, 02:55 PM
collateral damage
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
Originally Posted by botkiller View Post
I'm not trying to say that age determines things, and it's good to progress one's art. I'm glad that UW does and can, let's face it; they are literally probably the ONLY dance music outfit, save for FSOL, who can continue to make art, not just make songs to please radio and DJs. That is a huge fucking thing. I try to do that and I can't even get like one person to listen to my fucking music. I'm grateful that they change, evolve, and progress -- but the simple fact exists that many of us are UW fans from the 90s on and one way or another, we're going to be affected by changes in the sound, just as I was when KMFDM changed their sound in the early 00s. I still love both bands with all my heart, but it's in different ways.
Totally agree. Our musical tastes change, as do the styles of the musicians and producers. Each UW album, save maybe Barking, has exhibited aspects of new style, different inspiration, and in all cases, embraced change. Though you and I have our own reasons for preferring certain phases, albums or songs, ID like to think that most of the folks who've been dirties for awhile are able to at least appreciate R & K's efforts.

Anyway.... After a week and many, many listens, I'm struck by how much stringed instruments are on BB. Karl mentioned bringing in a lot of different, sometimes difficult to play instruments. I think the variety shows, and the organic playing adds nice depth.
Believe in Billy Records
Old 03-23-2016, 03:12 PM
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
The truth, as ever, is subjective
Old 03-23-2016, 04:01 PM
Big Time
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
I have held off on any sort of a review till now, just to let it sink in a bit. I have also listened to OWB and Barking to compare it to their most recent releases, and I have to say I am delighted with it.

It is a nice length. Not a length I'd like if they were still making Techno/House music, but for the type of music they have on this album it is right. It the sort of short length you get with the latest Radiohead albums - short powerful songs that don't linger too long (except maybe for I Exhale)

After listening to this, and then listening back to Barking, it just highlighted again how little I felt I wanted to listen to Barking... I knew the moment I heard it that I would only ever dip back into 1 or 2 songs on a semi-regular basis... as an album it was never going to grab me. It just didn't feel right.

But BBWFSF does have a listenable and expressive quality which will get me listening over and over. I am delighted with it. I actually really like I Exhale and If Rah ... I think they are really strong and fun and have a lot of elements with which the band *could* play around with live... (not that they look like they will)

I am also a fan of the repetitious vocals and building rhythms that are at the core of the whole album. It is a development on that idea which they infused with their Tech/house/acid style of the 90s and 00s.. but have now incorporated it into their more narrative based stuff since OWB.

Comparing this to OWB I am delighted to hear the same experimental vibe in both albums.. I think more accurately it relates to the flow they built with the Riverrun series. Except again they are resting more on narrative forms with verse and chorus, and stringed instruments.

Barking fell flat for me.. it seemed caught up in achieving a commercial mix between what they are generally known for (LAGER LAGER LAGER), the feeling they wanted to achieve (Two Months Off), and the actual music they wanted to make at the time (UW Mk1, pop music)...

This time around they seem to have ditched that vein effort to keep trying to achieve what people expect from them and just went for what they wanted to do. What resulted is a more honest record (Like OWB) that has a lot more heart and asks a lot more of the listener rather than simply trying to please.

I like it, I will listen to it a lot and I am delighted they are even still doing all of this. Which is what I am most thankful for.
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Old 03-24-2016, 04:01 AM
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
Book version arrived today, after first listen trough:
I Exhale: "hello, we're different this time" is the purpose of this one. It's grown very much on me, I like the sonic quality.
If Rah: similar simplicity of I Exhale, I love the riff that goes from guitar to super-saw synth. Not sure about "luna luna luna ..."
Low Burn: Beautiful and epic, typical UW, but way too short. A why "the rhythm" again ?
Santiago Cuatro: still need to get the point apart from being a filler
Motorhome: first felt like "Edgeland" to me, but can't really complain. It's a good self-standing track.
Ova Nova: hate the fade out, it looses its good momentum and goes .. nowhere
Nylon Strung: probably the best track for me, it's not missing anything or is cut away too early.

Overall: a good album, positively surprised me, bit short in the end.
But: R&K don't have to proove anything anymore, I'm glad they still make their music and try to push boundaries and play with expectations.
Old 03-25-2016, 12:32 AM
a small-minded madman
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
I always envisioned Underworld as the audio side of a greater art project. So, I think this album is pretty good. I like the thick full sound and it feels very now to me. With this I mean that if, back in 1995, I would have tried to imagined what Underworld would sound like in twenty years, this would be it. My favorite track is Santiago Cuatro.

My only criticism would be on the live shows if this the direction. Underworld should stop playing Nuxx and Rez/Cowgirl and Pearls Girl etc. Instead just go all down tempo jam out for most shows.
Old 03-25-2016, 06:00 AM
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
Originally Posted by DaddyAdv View Post
Book version arrived today, after first listen trough:
I Exhale: "hello, we're different this time" is the purpose of this one. It's grown very much on me, I like the sonic quality.
If Rah: similar simplicity of I Exhale, I love the riff that goes from guitar to super-saw synth. Not sure about "luna luna luna ..."
Low Burn: Beautiful and epic, typical UW, but way too short. A why "the rhythm" again ?
Santiago Cuatro: still need to get the point apart from being a filler
Motorhome: first felt like "Edgeland" to me, but can't really complain. It's a good self-standing track.
Ova Nova: hate the fade out, it looses its good momentum and goes .. nowhere
Nylon Strung: probably the best track for me, it's not missing anything or is cut away too early.

Overall: a good album, positively surprised me, bit short in the end.
But: R&K don't have to proove anything anymore, I'm glad they still make their music and try to push boundaries and play with expectations.
Agree with a lot of the above actually; specially re 'luna,luna, luna' , and Nylon Strung is starting really kick in for me in that simple hypnotic deep way.
Old 03-27-2016, 11:59 AM
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
Hope everyone is good.

I have listened to the album through speakers and headphones and straight away connected with tracks 1-5. On headphones the album is a much deeper and richer experience, but I do wish that Ova nova and Nylon strung had kept the tone a bit darker, as at times it gets a tad too house for me, but I can appreciate it for what it is.
I am like a dog where if Underworld goes above a certain tone and pitch then I run away whimpering and recall that horrendous track on Barking Between Stars ow ow ow.
Old 03-27-2016, 01:28 PM
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Re: BB Reviews
Originally Posted by Yannick View Post
... have a drink mate. no need to be vicious here. I like to tease yes...
Teasing's one thing; but you took people's money and disappeared.
Old 03-29-2016, 10:19 PM
kagenaki koe
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
Every time Motorhome is playing, I get this image of Kylo Ren in his private quarters on the Star Destroyer dusting off his gandpappy's mangled helmet while quietly humming "....keep away from the dark siiiiiiiii......"
Old 03-30-2016, 05:45 AM
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Re: Barbara Barbara dirty reviews
Originally Posted by mothra View Post
Between Stars ow ow ow.
easily one of my least favorite Underworld tracks.
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