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Old 05-18-2011, 07:54 AM
I'm a big sister
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Re: Ansum — A Hundred Days Off industry promo
I'm a bit cranky!
Old 05-18-2011, 08:45 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 2
Re: Ansum — A Hundred Days Off industry promo
Originally Posted by Dunwho View Post
No no... listen to the track from the start.. then at 30secs they insert a 4-4 beat that is out of time with the main 4-4 beat.. its in the background but it is just loud enough that it puts me off and i cant concentrate on one beat or another.. its so frustrating and makes the whole song hard to listen to.

The problem isnt that it is beyond the 4-4 beat, it is precisely the oposite, it IS a 4-4 beat but it is just completely out of sync with the main 4-4 beat....

and a whole lot of frustration ensues!
Usually those sort of things really both me as well, but since I don't notice it while the most prominent kit is playing, it's really fun in the drop out.

Btw, your post about mastering and valuing the rare commodity that is pre production demos is right on. I haven't heard this yet, but if it's as it sounds, these sort of things are usually only sent between band and management, and sometimes to the label under penalty of death if it gets leaked.
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