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Old 09-30-2005, 06:04 PM
Gentleman Loafer
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Dirty Recommendations
In the vein of Headset's "Sola Sistims Favourite song of the day" and Bound's "I'm currently reading...", i thought Treatment might benefit from a hat where we can all throw recommendations people's way with varying degrees of explanation.

I'll start it off with Race with the Devil, starring Peter Fonda and Peckinpah staple Warren Oates as a couple buddies who take their wives on a RV vacation and accidentally witness a satanic ritual killing. The satanites then proceed to chase after them and this movie has perhaps the best tagline ever: When you race with the devil, you'd better be faster than hell.

Lots of car chase-y stuff, lots of Fonda and Oates being cool, lots of screaming wives and weird-looking yokels. There's even a rattlesnake scene and boy is it intense... so if you're bored and looking for a rental, consider this one watchworthy.
Old 10-01-2005, 09:51 PM
Animal Boything
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
I'll kick it off with three of my favorite totally obscure movies:

Cemetery Man (AKA Dellamore Dellamorte): Rupert Everett stars as a graveyard groundskeeper who, beknownst only to him and his grunting manchild assistant, is charged with the tiresome nightly task of re-killing and re-burying the ones that return from the dead (he doesn't report it because of the paperwork involved), meanwhile grimly pondering the meaning of life and death and quietly obsessing over a mysterious woman who keeps entering his increasingly odd life in increasingly odd ways. It's a combination of art film, dark comedy, and zombie gore flick the likes of which I've never seen. It's currently only available on VHS, but Anchor Bay has been dangling a possible DVD release in front of me for years, which keeps getting pushed back. Your local rental place might have it if you're lucky.

Extreme Prejudice: Nick Nolte and Powers Boothe star as childhood best friends who ended up on opposite sides of the law and fell for the same woman (a cheesy but venerable setup) in a rowdy, shamelessly testosterone-fueled modern-day western. William Forsythe is amazing in a small supporting role. Again, this lacks a decent DVD release. You can get it, but it's not even in widescreen!

Withnail & I: This one actually has a Criterion Collection release, thank the lord, but it still seems like nobody I meet has seen it. It's one of my all-time favorite films. It's a morose comedy about two out-of-work actors in 1969 London who decide to escape from their miserable life by taking a vacation to a rich uncle's country home... which leads to utter disaster. Filled with memorably eccentric minor characters and brilliant, quotable dialogue, it's one to watch over and over. (Trivia: Orbital sampled the line "Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day" from this film.)
on the roof again
Old 10-02-2005, 05:56 AM
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
here's some fun stuff.

Spellbound: A documentary (actually true, however feels like a Christopher Guest movie) about the national spelling bee in the US. I think it's really really funny and disturbing--but keep in's actually true.

Welcome to the Dollhouse: Very funny. Very disturbing. I'm usually the one in the theatre that's cracking up when everyone else is disgusted. "how can he SAY that?"

The Shining: if you haven't seen the original trailer first. one of the best trailers i've EVER seen. period. movie is good too.
Old 10-02-2005, 10:20 PM
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
Originally Posted by Professor
The Shining: if you haven't seen the original trailer first. one of the best trailers i've EVER seen. period. movie is good too.
You mean, this trailer?
Old 10-03-2005, 08:55 PM
mmm skyscraper
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
Sunset Blvd.

Creepy film that explores what happens to ex-stars.

Listen to 'Antarctica Starts Here' by John Cale after watching it for a musical wrap-up of the movie.
we're all going to eurodisney
Old 10-03-2005, 11:20 PM
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
just watched the 1978 take of
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.
i forgot just how creepy that movie is.
Old 10-04-2005, 06:03 AM
Hi! I'm Barry Scott!
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
Originally Posted by Animal Boything
Withnail & I
Obscure in the states perhaps but we Brits love this film. So many classic lines. And all so fucking funny.

"We've gone on holiday by mistake."

"If you hit me, it's murder."

"We shall have cake and fine wine. The finest wines known to man."

"I shall have you even if it need be buglary!"



I like Midnight Run - "I've got 2 words for you. Shut the fuck up." and Glengarry Glenn Ross "Fuck you etc".
Why do you have to go and fight dirty? Don't fight dirty, don't hit me with the chair.
Old 10-04-2005, 11:44 AM
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
Don't be a Menace starring the Wayans brothers

Great parodie on other "black" movies like "Menace to Society", "Juice" and "Boyz in the Hood". It's nothing like that shitmovie "Whitechicks"...were the Wayans also starred in.
Just a laugh!
I hate Jon Bon Jovi, but I hate his music more.
Old 10-04-2005, 12:01 PM
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
barfly with mickey rourke - so, so many good lines - a real tale of descent!
Old 10-04-2005, 12:36 PM
<3 vokills
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Re: Dirty Recommendations
I recommend Z One if the best political movies I've seen in a few years. I loved it.
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