Originally Posted by IsiliRunite
and I miss you.
Pearl Harbor. Please allow me to digress for a couple moments.
The first time I tried to watch that I left half way through the film due to a nauseating headache when I was still working full time as a projectionist. On the drive home with my girlfriend at the time I pulled the car over and vomited in the middle of traffic.
I'm not really sure what came over me but I always attributed my illness to the film, both for comic effect but also Michael Bay's schizophrenic editing technique, that while working for an action film, didn't work for this type of historical dramatization. When watching both
Bad Boys 2 and
Transformers, despite sitting in the back two rows of the auditorium, I still felt waves of disorientation and the eventual Michael Bay headache. I've always attributed this to his ultra fast and unnecessarily quick cutting.
I finished screening the film a couple days later after there was projector mishap and I had to oversee the projectionist splicing job.
That was truly one of the more god awful films I've ever seen. Not
Transformers bad, but bad in the Michael Bay-action-director-trying-to-be-serious bad.