Thread: Grindhouse
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Old 04-15-2007, 07:18 AM
Scott Warner
delicious candy taster
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Re: Grindhouse
All I could think about while watching it was - Here are four Quentin Tarantino's sitting at a table.
Hahahaha exactly.

I finally saw Grindhouse last night. Overall I'd say I enjoyed about 3/4 of the experience, particularly the trailers.

Machette and Thanksgiving were hilarious and both of them nailed the spirit of those old trailers - these double feature movie house places are a couple of generations before my time but I certainly remember watching horror movies in the early 80's that would have these sorts of clips before the movie.

Planet Terror was as advertised. My audio director at work would nod with delight to hear me say "The music was at least 50% of the experience". What good dumb fun this movie was.

Death Proof was irritating until the action sequences kicked in. I really enjoyed Kill Bill because, among other reasons, Quetin gracefully shut his characters up for once. Here it's back to four dudes sitting around the table talking about Madonna's big dick... and it's like, hey, didn't I come in to this GRINDHOUSE thing to see GRINDHOUSE movies? I like how he just totally bypasses emulating the shitty quality (both content and fake physical effects on the film reel) about five minutes into the movie and just starts making one his movies, complete with 70's record fetishes and everyone just too bad ass for you. It's not BAD it's just not really following the high concept of what I paid money to see! Also, I'm sick of his dialog... he's like slightly better than Kevin Smith at this point.

Anyways, cool stuff.

Last edited by Scott Warner; 04-15-2007 at 07:26 AM.