Thread: Grindhouse
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Old 04-11-2007, 06:58 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 202
Re: Grindhouse

I thought the bad-film effects in Planet Terror were interesting. The film quality added atmosphere into the film - the trunk opening scene near the beginning (with the green fog, right before the first killing) was more scary and tense becuase of the film which was starting to scratch, crackle, and obscure the action much in the same way the fog was. I thought it was interesting becuase you can'd do something like that in a normal film - the audience would just assume the film was damaged and it would look out of place.

I mean, the movie was so over the top, so why couldn't the effects be as well?

As far as Grindhouse, I know the dialog was ment to be a little pointless, but it was really bad. It made me reconsider all the things I like about QTs movies. All I could think about while watching it was - Here are four Quentin Tarantino's sitting at a table. However, the last half was amazing. Kurt Russell's turn of character was cool to watch, but the chase itself was so gripping - it was technically very basic but so much more intense then any modern-day car chase sequence (CUT to tire, CUT to hood, screetch, CUT to Car # 2, techno music! CUT to road, argh!!!). It also ended perfectly.


Forgot - the conversation about "The Who." UGHH. I thought that was infinitely terrible. Tarantino and Rodriguez might as well have photoshopped thier faces on the characters and had the conversation in the middle of the thing.
Xbox Live Gamertag: zachberry

Last edited by koisk; 04-11-2007 at 07:02 PM.