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Old 09-11-2006, 04:11 AM
Henreeeeeeeeeecat! :)
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Glasgow, UK
Posts: 584
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Re: Salon Boris - debut album details.
Got the delayed album on my doormat last week and it's rather a sultry wee number. In my opinion though they left a couple of the best tracks they've produced off the album in the form of Freakshow and Tokyo Techno Girls. Lead tracks Bride Of Boris, I Am The Drug, Money and Everybody are great listens and from experience translate well live. Bride Of Boris is still very much my favourite and has been since the first time I saw them live in 2004.
I expect a larger tour now so watch out. I've managed to get an invite to the album launch party this Thursday so I'll report on how the live show is looking.

Salon Boris - I Am The Drug