DRIFT Episode 1: DUST was the spark and surge of a journey beginning,
DRIFT Episode 2: ATOM explodes skywards before splitting off to explore multiple new paths.
Sleeve Notes are a new addition to DRIFT in this episode…
New link:
Other link:
Archived link:
Rick and Karl in conversation and a bunch of other stuff from the past 6 weeks drifting through Episode 2…
ATOM journey begins with a minimalist, hypnotic small hours techno glide (
Appleshine), heads out past the emerging shoots of a spring green pastoral England (
Molehill); onwards and upwards with 15 minutes of deep and occasionally discomfiting analogue machine music (Threat of Rain), down the tarmac of Europe endless all through the night (
Brussels); crossing continents to wake up at a prismatic electro-carnival in the heart of New Orleans (
Soniamode) before finally stretching out into mesmerising 47 minute long head trip that returns to the beginning of the journey (
Appleshine Continuum recorded with Australian trio The Necks). It is unpredictable and uncompromising. It’s uniquely Underworld.
The Drift experience is one of a torrent of ideas, with its own internal logic… (where) instinct, experience and chance lead to a strange kind of harmony.â€
Hugely ambitious and unimaginably relentless… each weekly release thematically bleeds into the next, creating a weaving storyline that threads through the whole. Watching and listening to this ever-evolving project feels like unpacking a Russian doll.â€
DRIFT, Episode 2 Recap
Drift, Ep 2, Pt 5: Soniamode - A voice chants with the innocent menace of a 50’s playground rhyme, carried along by the tumbling celebration of a brass band playing Glitch
Drift, Ep 2, Pt. 4: Brussels - almost impossibly beautiful music pulled together from what should be incongruous parts
Drift, Ep 2, Pt. 3: Threat of Rain - a murky locked techno groove
Drift, Ep 2, Pt. 2: Mole Hill - something of an unexpected gear change. A gleaming cascade of piano, guitar and wordless choral voices
Drift, Ep 2, Pt. 1: Appleshine - a minimalist, hypnotic small hours glide; a techno pulse wound tightly around a daydream vocal
Just a
playlist atm ...
Still hoping for a continuous mix, this episode has been fantastic