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Old 02-28-2019, 07:15 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions
Beacoup was my first one too. I got it because of an Amazon review on the Lo-Fidelity Allstars album - "sounds like they are trying and failing to do what Underworld did on Beacoup Fish". And I loved that Lo-Fis CD, so I figured BF would be good

For me the big one was Everything, Everything. I had actually never heard "Juanita", "Pearls Girl", or "Rez/Cowgirl" before that. I remember buying that at the age of 16 and cruising around town in my shitbox Ford and just having the time of my life. I thought it was the best CD ever made. I went back and grabbed the other albums - dubnobass became my favorite, it just hit me in all the right ways (something about being a hybrid of electronica/New Wave/prog ?), STITI I also loved though I agree there's sort of a step between the first two tracks and the rest (Pearls Girl aside)

So yeah - I was one of those who was disappointed with a lot of their duo stuff as it came out, but when I go back and relisten I'm kinda floored by AHDO and OWB (particularly the latter). Like yeah, it's not quite as banging but the overall sound design is excellent. There's something really pleasant about them. Every time I hear OWB I feel like it must be their best effort (next to dubnobass perhaps, though that's mostly nostalgia talking). BBWFASF is probably 3rd then. I dunno. It's all great!