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Old 06-06-2018, 06:12 PM
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 414
Re: Underworld Recordings
Originally Posted by jetpig View Post
Attitude aside, a valid point on the availability of these bootlegs that we have treasured could be made here. Despite efforts by many we've yet to find a reliable way to keep our cache of shows updated and available to others. I'd like to believe a "World of Underworld Live" is coming, but the realist in me says no.

What are reliable ways with non-expiring links (or some mechanism around that) we can use? Mega and Google drive seem strong possibilities, though Geocities, Altavista, and Photobucket all have a thing to say about that.
Mega gives you 50gbs worth of upload space for free. I don't know what Google Drive gives you. There's also Dropbox, but you don't get a lot of space with free accounts.