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Old 08-28-2016, 01:44 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: east coast usa
Posts: 2,457
Re: Wishlist - Beaucoup fish deluxe boxset
Originally Posted by stimpee View Post
I dont think any Peel Session 2003 tracks belong on there. And Belfort is 1998, and Fuji is 1999. Blue Mountain is early 1999 too. If youre going for live tracks, dont just pick the tracks that appeared on the album. Pick a gig. A whole gig that represents. The early 1998 sets only really had KoS, and then PU and then Cups and then Jumbo. 1999 had a more polished set but the 1998 sets were more upbeat and harder like the 1996 sets.
they were chosen, because they were officially released, or at least

yes, of course, a full gig would be great.

but there are too many to choose from.

i'm sure as mentioned above, there are some great gigs that highlight
that era.

but back then, they used a lot of song from previous albums, so it's
listeners choice as to what they would like to hear.
