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Old 06-21-2011, 02:33 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Sunny Hawaii
Posts: 4,965
Re: 2011-06-18 Sonar Barcelona
This guy recorded 93 minutes of Underworld video. There are 2 different sources though, with some overlap, but I think he still got most of the entire show:

Wow, that Surfboy teaser!

Originally Posted by richardacre View Post
Afterwards I was standing by the fence around the AV island, basically waiting for the rush to leave to be over and the head gaffer (old geezer, WTF is his name!?) came out grinning and then was chatting to some bloke who asked him how long he'd been working Underworld, his reply was along the lines of "30 years, since they were a rock band!"
That sounds like John Newsham then. He's been doing audio for them since Freur!