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potatobroth 06-10-2021 05:01 AM

Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...
Do you have a go-to live set that you can listen to without ever getting bored? Is there a version of a song or two that is just so unique and amazing that keeps you going back to it? I ask hoping to find some killer set that I've somehow missed.

for me, its probably I Love Techno 98 - that brings back huge memories of hearing some of those tracks for the first time (or very nearly first time) mixed in with other favorites. I just wish it was the complete set.

Mike 06-10-2021 09:09 PM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...
Roskilde 2000 - a relatively clean radio recording that is easy to listen to.

I absolutely love the 2000 era live shows, punchy beats and re-rendered tracks used as mini segues (e.g Spoonman / Banstyle). It was an interesting time for live shows as Rick and Karl were reinventing themselves as a duo. Rick had to make the setup work for him, configuring the desks and equipment for easy reach, simpler sequences and from photos and videos from that year the 98/99 era the Tomato visuals were dropped.

There are only a few decent recordings from 2000, I would have said Pukkelpop 2000 if the recording was cleaner and more listenable - it has a noteable Cappe Ffuno / Leave Home mash up.

Electraglide 2000 is also memorable for a surge of new demo material (e.g 010101, Biro The Leggy and Strumpet) some of which eventually made its way onto new albums later in the decade.

potatobroth 06-11-2021 05:22 AM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...
!! I don't have that nor can I remember even hearing Roskilde 2000! will listen immediately, thanks!

EDIT: Sadly, i don't see it on the tracker.

lemonjelly 06-11-2021 05:41 AM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...
it frequently changes tbh. however the live set from privelige that radio 1 broadcast from 2011 is a constant set I return to. I also spent many years repeatedly listening to the oblivion ball gig.
I found from somewhere a gig from berlin that seems to be an extended set of the privelige set, as it is 20-30 mins longer, but it doesn't have the same sound that causes goosebumps for me.

joethelion 06-11-2021 09:15 AM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...

Originally Posted by potatobroth (Post 168776)
!! I don't have that nor can I remember even hearing Roskilde 2000! will listen immediately, thanks!

EDIT: Sadly, i don't see it on the tracker.

hold on a second... I'll upload my version, most of the show is sourced from the radio broadcast, with the last two tracks being an audience recording.


Here you go!


As far as I'm aware, Banstyle through Cowgirl were never broadcast

potatobroth 06-11-2021 09:36 AM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...
perfect! grabbing now, thanks!

WhiteNoise 06-11-2021 09:29 PM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...
I'll do a top ten, in no particular order

Ancienne Belgique 2008. Extraordinary performances of some extremely rare tracks in the first half, followed by a super well executed "greatest hits" second half, with a really unique encore as well. Best version of Spoonman by far.

Mojo Club 1998. This is a super high spirits gig during that 1998 period where they were still a bit loosey goosey with the songs that would get standardized by the time Everything Everything rolled around. Cups here is phenomenal.

Cocoon 2006 w/ Sven Vath. So unique. A ton of fun. Probably the best DJ / Live back to back they've done, radio or otherwise IMO.

The Octagon 1994. Needs no introduction really. It's impressive how much they were in a league of their own at this point in time.

Creamfields 2002. Probably my favorite festival / greatest hits set. Peak mayhem with Two Months Off newly in the repertoire, that crazy unreleased rave segue track, Twist, a pretty killer Pearls Girl too.

Peel Session 2003. They're at the cusp of entering the Riverrun period at this point so they've taken the 2002 live performances and gone completely avant garde with them. The definitive version of Trim for me, and really lovely takes on Jumbo and Nuxx 2003.

Osaka 2005. I nearly picked Tokyo 2005 and it's a testament to the audacity and skill of Underworld that they were able to do two 3 hour sets on back to back days and not only barely miss but come up with different experiences. Osaka is the stronger set to listen to overall, but I like how weird Tokyo gets in places.

Blue Mountain 1999. Pearls Girl, Something Like a Mama and Please Help Me / Cappe Ffuno from this jam are just etched into my brain.

Bootleg Babies. Maybe this doesn't count but I sincerely, truly love this collection and have easily played it more often than any other set.

Finally, Mayan Theater 1998, aka the best gig they've ever done.

Honorable mention: the Best of the Bells tour 4CD compilation that was shared here, I spin this constantly. Also Rick's pre-show gigs from 2017 are fantastic and do not get talked about anywhere NEAR as much as they should, for how much unreleased content there was in them.

And I agree about the 2000 gigs, it's a shame we don't have more recordings of these as Rick really seemed to let loose.

TheBang 06-12-2021 04:44 AM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...

Originally Posted by lemonjelly (Post 168777)
it frequently changes tbh. however the live set from privelige that radio 1 broadcast from 2011 is a constant set I return to. I also spent many years repeatedly listening to the oblivion ball gig.
I found from somewhere a gig from berlin that seems to be an extended set of the privelige set, as it is 20-30 mins longer, but it doesn't have the same sound that causes goosebumps for me.

Yes, you're talking about We Are One festival. Both of those are from 2010, which had a fixed setlist. We Are One is the full festival setlist. Privlege is cut down, maybe just for the broadcast? Anyway, when they had to cut songs for time, Diamond Jigsaw was always the first to go from the set and Bird 1 next.

lemonjelly 06-14-2021 04:59 AM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...
yes that's the one The Bang! I actually really love the version of bird 1!
I was disappointed to miss that tour, though in the uk they only did a couple of london and manchester shows, perhaps 1 in glasgow. I'm in the midlands, and didn't travel as easily back then.

lemonjelly 06-14-2021 05:14 AM

Re: Favorite Live Recording/Bootleg...
@whitenoise, also agree with many of your comments. recently acquired the mojo 98 gig from somewhere and love it. had the cocoon gig for sometime and it was on constant rotation for a good 6-9 months.

I don't think I have the osaka gig...

I did like the oblivion tour mixes someone from here shared (the version of bamboo for example!) but what is this 4 disc best of the bells of which you speak?

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