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Jafs 11-13-2006 12:00 PM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day
T.I. - What You Know ?

King is probably one of the banger of the year, despite no real innovative hip hop beats or lyrics, but this is equilibrate, powerful and has a high replay factor.

ultradave 11-15-2006 01:02 PM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day
[COLOR=Black]Dntel - (This Is) The Dream of Evan and Chan (Superpitcher Kompakt Remix)

everyone *MUST* hear this... you can listen below:


now playing...


Jafs 11-18-2006 01:38 AM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day
Jay-Z - "Girls, girls, girls" & "Heart of the City(Ain't no love)"

on "The Blueprint"

Sarcasmo 11-19-2006 01:08 AM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day
I'm in love again, so I'm listening to sappy shit all the time. It's pathetic, really.

Jafs 11-19-2006 01:34 AM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day
What is love ?

Leon 11-19-2006 04:36 AM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day

Originally Posted by Jafs
What is love ?

Baby don't hurt me.

Sarcasmo 11-19-2006 06:20 AM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day

Originally Posted by Leon
Baby don't hurt me.

Now this is

Sarcasmo 11-19-2006 06:21 AM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day

Originally Posted by Leon
Baby don't hurt me.

Now this is quality.

GreenPea 11-21-2006 08:29 AM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day
ASVA - By The Well of Living and Seeing [COLOR=#999999]

undarrenworld 11-22-2006 05:16 AM

Re: Sola sistims Favourite song of the day
Koneveljet - Welkom
Amiina - Seoul

Amazing songs;)

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