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stimpee 11-29-2005 01:47 AM

Re: underworld equipment?

Originally Posted by King of Snake
I've never used Logic but I hear a lot of people find it's interface hard to master and onLOGICal.

But hasnt Logic been Macintosh only for three years now? I thought it was stuck at v5.5 on the PC (when it was eMagic). The Mac version is on v7.1 Pro i believe. No idea how much the interface has changed but with Apple taking over, they have a reputation for working on the UI.

King of Snake 11-29-2005 04:39 AM

Re: underworld equipment?
correct, it's been bought by Macintosh. I don't know anything about Logic since I never worked with it, I'm only saying that from what I heard, its interface isn't always the easiest to work with. I'm sure if you're used to it you won't notice or mind.

phaseblue 11-29-2005 08:03 AM

Re: underworld equipment?

Originally Posted by King of Snake
I'm only saying that from what I heard, its interface isn't always the easiest to work with.

That is true KoS! It's a VERY deep sequencer and does take some time (and patience) to get your head around. I guess the most attractive and powerful feature is Logic's "Environment" window. You can virtually route audio and midi in almost any way imaginable. But, when it comes to midi, Logic is second to none! There are people who have made LFO's and midi delays in the Environment to control outboard instruments that don't have those features/effects. You can even make virtual software controllers (with knobs and faders) in the Environment that control their real life counterparts. It really is an amazing piece of software!

BTW - Wasn't trying to insult anyone's tastes (or Cubase itself) by the "f#&k Cubase" comment! Just having fun! It's like the Mac vs. PC debate. Everyone has their own preference. Actually I used Cubase for a bit about 8 years ago before finally settling on Logic. I liked Logic then (and even now) for it's ability to customize nearly everything - especially MIDI! But nowadays, with everything turning towards VST and software instruments, they are basically all very much the same! They just have different interfaces!:)


Floating Dave 11-29-2005 09:29 AM

Re: underworld equipment?
I love Logic but Apple need to think about the effects of their endless changes to spec if they're going to keep real-world users on-side. Making music shouldn't involve us in making political decisions and that's where Ableton are stealing a march - Good, inspirational tools backed up by people who care about what they do and who will listen to users

(I don't work for Ableton and I still use Logic ;) )

There's some more Underworld gear pics here http://www.flickr.com/photos/12614642@N00/page3/

King of Snake 11-29-2005 10:24 AM

Re: underworld equipment?

Originally Posted by phaseblue
That is true KoS! It's a VERY deep sequencer and does take some time (and patience) to get your head around. I guess the most attractive and powerful feature is Logic's "Environment" window. You can virtually route audio and midi in almost any way imaginable. But, when it comes to midi, Logic is second to none! There are people who have made LFO's and midi delays in the Environment to control outboard instruments that don't have those features/effects. You can even make virtual software controllers (with knobs and faders) in the Environment that control their real life counterparts. It really is an amazing piece of software!

BTW - Wasn't trying to insult anyone's tastes (or Cubase itself) by the "f#&k Cubase" comment! Just having fun! It's like the Mac vs. PC debate. Everyone has their own preference. Actually I used Cubase for a bit about 8 years ago before finally settling on Logic. I liked Logic then (and even now) for it's ability to customize nearly everything - especially MIDI! But nowadays, with everything turning towards VST and software instruments, they are basically all very much the same! They just have different interfaces!:)


hehe, no harm done. I've heard the Logic VS Cubase debate before on various audio forums. It can indeed get as heated as a PC VS Mac discussion :)
I'm using Creamware Scope DSP cards system, which has completely free midi/audio routing environment like you describe. It's very nice. I can route all my Cubase channels via ASIO to the DSP environment, and any external signals (Nord Rack and electric guitar) and pretty much send anything anywhere I want, using DSP fx and mixers on the way. VERY flexible.
Also, in Cubase I use a plugin called ERA which is basically a midi-stepsequencer but also does arpeggios and lots of other cool midi stuff, so that nicely adds to the midi functionality already there in Cubase. I can use that to control my VSTi's, or my Nord Rack synth, then route the Nord's audio into the DSP environment and run it trough a bunch of fx before recording back into Cubase....easy :)
I think you can also make these "virtual software controllers" in Cubase, although I've never used that feature (since I only have one hardware synth).

King of Snake 11-29-2005 10:30 AM

Re: underworld equipment?

Originally Posted by Floating Dave
I love Logic but Apple need to think about the effects of their endless changes to spec if they're going to keep real-world users on-side. Making music shouldn't involve us in making political decisions and that's where Ableton are stealing a march - Good, inspirational tools backed up by people who care about what they do and who will listen to users

(I don't work for Ableton and I still use Logic ;) )

There's some more Underworld gear pics here http://www.flickr.com/photos/12614642@N00/page3/

hey those are some great pics! Hadn't seen those before, so thanks for sharing :)

undarrenworld 11-29-2005 11:38 AM

Re: underworld equipment?
Thanks for the photos and info.

I have now Ableton Live 5.02 and its really great program...;)

lloyd 11-29-2005 11:51 AM

Re: underworld equipment?
Thanks indeed for the pictures. I LOVE gear pics :)
But the picture of Karl at wembley stadium (1991?) is great too.
quote out of an old interview:
So I did that in 1991(playing with Debby Harry). It was a great tour, because we were touring with Iggy Pop, Sisters of Mercy and Billy Idol sometimes. We did that thing with INXS at Wembley stadium. I got my dad down just so I could say

"I played Wembley dad, sorry it's not football but it's the best I could do."

undarrenworld 11-29-2005 12:14 PM

Re: underworld equipment?

Originally Posted by lloyd
Thanks indeed for the pictures. I LOVE gear pics :)
But the picture of Karl at wembley stadium (1991?) is great too.
quote out of an old interview:
So I did that in 1991(playing with Debby Harry). It was a great tour, because we were touring with Iggy Pop, Sisters of Mercy and Billy Idol sometimes. We did that thing with INXS at Wembley stadium. I got my dad down just so I could say

"I played Wembley dad, sorry it's not football but it's the best I could do."

Which link shows uw in 1991?

lloyd 11-29-2005 12:32 PM

Re: underworld equipment?
Creative surfing my boy ;)

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