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jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-21-2012 01:37 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
Much Finer - Tigre

*cough* *cough* What?

Oh, and my email was flooded with complaints about my last song of the day so I guess I should clear some things up in case anyone else read that wrong or something. Ya see, I was using my artistiscalllly fluidness of delivering words of wisdom with a double entandre(sp?), but not, like sexually as so many of my fans have seemed to think it implied. It all revolves around the "SUCK/STROKE/SMOKE" part of the message.

Allow me to break it down for you(My God, the education system in America or some shit). K, here we go.

Suck - Like sucking on a crazy crack pipe, the prudish religious types of humans(and forgive me, but male atheists seem to fit into that category somewhere too) go all looney crazy when they see some titty sucking action, even though the titty sucking action isn't really sexual, but just part of nature. I mean, the child in the Time Cover is just having lunch or dinner or, ya know, just a snack. An after-school snack, ya know, just a little nibble until dinner time. But these types of humans just see titty sucking action and I think they might get horny or something, because they get all feeling dirty and yelling and weird shit.

Stroke - ya know, eeeeeeccgh. Like, a heart attack because they feel all dirty looking at all that titty sucking action that isn't sexual to begin with.

Smoke - they die from the eeeecgh (heart attack).


Hope that clears everything up. BTW! Suck/Stroke/Smoke can be used for actual crackheads too, I think.

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-24-2012 01:48 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
Holy Ghost White Noise - Ghostland Observatory

Jafs 05-24-2012 03:36 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
Michael Giacchino - That New Car Smell

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-30-2012 12:30 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
Turn It On (Black Smoker Mix) - Lindsey Buckingham

bas_I_am 05-30-2012 09:23 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
Lindsey Rocks!!!

Out of the Cradle is a masterpiece

bas_I_am 05-30-2012 09:26 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
What is this black smoker mix you speak of?

bas_I_am 05-30-2012 09:35 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
Wait. . are you sure that isn't The Creatures "Turn it On" (black smoker mix) ????

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 06-01-2012 12:36 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
Turn It On (Anima Animas Version) - the Creatures

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 06-01-2012 12:37 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day

Originally Posted by bas_I_am (Post 153480)
Lindsey Rocks!!!

Out of the Cradle is a masterpiece

I could not agree more.

bas_I_am 06-01-2012 02:10 PM

Re: Favourite song of the day
he's on a solo small venue tour as we speak. . catch him if you can.


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