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negative1 10-04-2007 12:45 PM

Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...

Originally Posted by holden
Re: negative1's odd-n-ends mix:

I have a mix you made of UW of studio bits and tracks from the old UWLive archive from several years back (I think it starts with Quick Bit of Rope?). That was very well done and still enjoyable. These odds-and-ends are quite cool to compile, but maybe not quite right for mixing, due to some of their short outtros or intros?

Looking forward to hearing your riverrun mix, too. Cheers!

Thanks for the comments...
yes those missing beats in 'cups' are in the original,
and i was too lazy to go back and fix them..

also, yes most of those tracks were too eclectic to mix,
but they were all i had...

you must be a mindreader....i'm listening to the lemonjam remix
right now..

lemon jam remix
00:25 01 quickbitfor the web
06:32 02 ref-010101
07:57 03 airtowel (lw)
07:30 04 file-200410 - shouttwice
05:15 05 something like a mama/.nuxx (lw)
05:54 06 king of snake (early spoken word)
04:58 07 mmm skyscraper (lw)
08:08 08 oich oich (lw)
02:46 09 vocoder monks
02:28 10 unruly july
i'll repost that one also, since its fun to listen too..
in case someone else wants to hear it..

yes, the riverrun mix is technically much better...

see you tomorrow..


negative1 10-05-2007 04:45 AM

Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...
ok, this mix worked out a lot better,
maybe because the mixes are a lot
more 'dance' and 'mix' friendly..
check it out if you haven't heard
some of these mixes before..
i know it's a little heavy on
the 'play pig' tracks, but thats
because there are so many mixes of

underworld technical mix data
title : underworld riverrunmix v1.1
mixer : -1
format : mp3 (192k)
date : 10/03/2007
tracks : 12
source : see below
time : 1hr18min : 30sec

time # track name (mix)
================================================== ===========
04:35 01 play pig (rohbag mix with melody)
07:16 02 play pig (buick project mix 2)
06:30 03 vanilla monkey (martinez hungry ghost mix)
06:39 04 JAL To Tokyo (Paul woolford mix)
06:23 05 peggy sussed (pete heller vocal)
05:22 06 lenny penny (high society mix)
06:48 07 play pig (pig and dan mix 2)
06:42 08 JAL to Tokyo (paul woolford sunrise dub)
06:55 09 Play pig (pig and dan mix 1)
06:29 10 peggy sussed (pete heller dub)
08:45 11 play pig (buick project mix 1)
05:45 12 vanilla monkey (martinez hungry ghost mix-dj rip)

[file link: http://www.future-dld.com/download.p...0e7f2f4b185f4c
can someone please move to : megaupload/rapidshare...
[01]-[12] cd

coming up soon, lemonworld remix!

***EDIT : updated vanilla monkey dj rip, same mix, higher bpms


holden 10-05-2007 11:04 AM

Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...

Originally Posted by negative1
ok, this mix worked out a lot better,
maybe because the mixes are a lot
more 'dance' and 'mix' friendly..

Now we're rockin'! This mix is quite smooth and kept me moving this afternoon. The mix of Peggy Sussed PH vocal into Lenne Penne HS is an especially great moment.
Thanks for making and sharing :)

edit: as requested, i copied this to megaupload--

ultradave 10-05-2007 10:19 PM

Re: underworld odds and ends mix v1.0

Originally Posted by negative1
[file link: http://www.future-dld.com/download.p...96b05442ad46f9

please try out, and if someone can move it rapidshare,
megaupload, that would help..]

i'm d/l this one now. once it's done i'll upload it to rapidshare and post the link. thanks for sharing -1.

now playing - Loads Of Birds - Underworld

spacejunk 10-06-2007 10:31 AM

Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...

Originally Posted by negative1
ok, this mix worked out a lot better,
maybe because the mixes are a lot
more 'dance' and 'mix' friendly..
title : underworld riverrunmix v1.1


This is most excellent! I enjoyed listening to it on a long car ride this morning.


ultradave 10-07-2007 09:52 PM

Re: underworld odds and ends mix v1.0

Originally Posted by negative1
please try out, and if someone can move it rapidshare,
megaupload, that would help..]

mix : underworld odds and ends mix v1.0
format : mp3 (192k)
mixer : -1
date : 10/03/2007
time : 1hr18min : 28sec

time # artist track name (mix)
================================================== ===========
08:42 01 futureshock - the question (why why why mix)
06:25 02 underworld - cups (xfm pre-beaucoup fish mix)
05:55 03 underworld - king of snake (early 97 mix)
06:54 04 underworld - silver boots/always loved a film
06:11 05 underworld - confusion the waitress (darren emerson mix)
09:08 06 underworld - pearls girl (carp dreams...koi)
07:53 07 underworld - second hand
03:34 08 underworld - king of snake (rick smith bungalow 7inch edit)
04:54 09 quazar - confusing the sun (w/karl hyde) (album edit)
04:56 10 underworld - vanilla monkey (martinez hungry ghost mix)
05:49 11 underworld - cowgirl (atomic hooligan mix)
08:02 12 underworld - rez (atomic hooligan mix)
[01] vinyl
[02] mp3 (dont know where it originally came from)
[03] mp3 (underworldlive.com)
[04] mp3
[05] mp3 (thnx bss)
[06] cd
[07] cd
[08] cd (thnx bss)
[09] cd
[10] mp3
[11] cd
[12] cd


here you go - megaupload link:


negative1 10-08-2007 05:26 AM

Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...
i've had some time to go back and
redo this mix....
this version is an improvement over
the earlier ones..
the transitions are better this
time around..
check it out..
[ link : http://www.future-dld.com/download.p...804dfa778e1aba ]

underworld mix technical data
title : underworld odds and ends mix 2.0
format : mp3 (192k)
mixer : -1
date : 10/03/2007
tracks : 12
sources: see below
time : 1hr20min : 39sec

time # artist track name (mix)
================================================== ===========
06:25 01 underworld - cups (xfm pre-beaucoup fish mix)
08:42 02 futureshock - the question (why why why mix)
04:56 03 underworld - vanilla monkey (martinez hungry ghost mix)
05:55 04 underworld - king of snake (early 97 mix)
06:54 05 underworld - silver boots/always loved a film
04:54 06 quazar - confusing the sun (w/karl hyde) (album edit)
06:11 07 underworld - confusion the waitress (darren emerson mix)
03:34 08 underworld - king of snake (rick smith bungalow 7inch edit)
05:49 09 underworld - cowgirl (atomic hooligan mix)
08:02 10 underworld - rez (atomic hooligan mix)
09:08 11 underworld - pearls girl (carp dreams...koi)
07:53 12 underworld - second hand
[01] mp3 (dont know where it originally came from)
[02] vinyl
[03] mp3
[04] mp3 (underworldlive.com)
[05] mp3
[06] cd
[07] mp3 (thnx bss)
[08] cd (thnx bss)
[09] cd
[10] cd
[11] cd
[12] cd


negative1 10-08-2007 05:27 AM

Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...
this is a 'virtual' mix of the
concert that was broadcast live
from lemonworld 2006-05-13,
i've cut out some parts from
the whole show..
and taken out most of the speech,
and tried to blend the tracks
also, it fits on one disc now.

underworld technical mix data
title : underworld lemonworldmix v1.0
mixer : -1
format : mp3 (192k)
date : 10/04/2007
tracks : 11
source : see below
time : 1hr15min : 02sec

time # track name (mix)
================================================== ===========
08:08 01 silver boots/always loved a film (lemonworld)
02:59 02 yardbeat (lemonworld)
05:44 03 push upstairs (lemonworld)
06:16 04 pearls girl (lemonworld)
11:39 05 momove (lemonworld)
09:31 06 mmm skyscraper (lemonworld)
02:50 07 to heal (lemonworld)
10:54 08 rez (lemonworld)
06:40 09 glitchy beats (lemonworld)
03:41 10 peggy sussed (lemonworld main mix)
06:36 11 lenny penne (lemonworld)

[file link: http://www.future-dld.com/download.p...8cbdf245b78bef
can someone please move to : megaupload/rapidshare...
[01]-[11] mp3


negative1 10-08-2007 05:28 AM

Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...
ok, guys some newer mixes to check out..

i've updated the odds and ends mix...

and put up a lemonworld mix..

future stuff:
beautiful burnout (medley)
cocoon (custom set mixed)
cocoon (mixed part 1)
cocoon (mixed part 2)


negative1 10-11-2007 09:01 AM

Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...
i'll be posting the cocoon custom set soon..

stay tuned..


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