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khouri 02-28-2019 06:03 PM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions
First track I heard was Nuxx in Trainspotting, after which I collected everything I could find on CD, which around that time was;

-Second Toughest in the Infants
-Pearls Girl EP
-Dirty Epic/Cowgirl EP
-Dark & Long (both versions)
-Born Slippy NUXX single
-Born Slippy single (original)

So basically I had what's arguably the band's strongest material all ready and waiting for me at or just after around the time I discovered them. The first album I got to wait for was Beaucoup Fish, and I still remember hearing Push Upstairs on the radio and going holy shit is this the new Underworld song? That's how a lot of us heard that new stuff even existed back then. I happened to be in San Francisco at the time so I ran to Amoeba Records, found really expensive imports of the Push singles and Beaucoup Fish. I didn't have a CD player in my car so I went to a friend's house to dub a tape (I would leave the room so I couldn't hear it), then drove back to Los Angeles blasting Beaucoup Fish. I remember the first time I heard the Jumbo bassline. Chills.

potatobroth 03-01-2019 06:05 AM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions
First track i heard was NUXX in 1996/97 and loved it. Played it on repeat for the entire weekend.

Next i heard Cowgirl on MTV's AMP (late-night electronica show) and waited excitedly to find out the band name at the end of the video. When I learned it was Underworld I thought, that's it ,time to find some of their albums.

I headed to a music store in the mall armed with the knowledge that I needed to hear Cowgirl again. Except I forgot the name of the song. So I found both Dubno and STiTI at the store and could only afford one. Dubno had a sticker over the tracklisting (Tomato's artwork didn't help much there either) and Second Toughest had a tracked called "Confusion the Waitress" - which triggered my memory: "i think the track was about a girl. this must be it!" Bought it and listened over and over. Being drawn to Juanita and Rowla instantly but realizing the track I wanted to hear wasn't on this album. No big worries though as STiTI was quickly becoming my new favorite.

The next month, I caught a release show (also on MTV) that said "Underworld's new one 'Pearls' Girl" is out today. Rushed back out to the store thinking "This must be it!" And was surprised and confused to learn that it was only an EP - but what an amazing EP it was.

Finally I remembered Dubno existed and was able to get my second listen to Cowgirl - a full 2 months after hearing it for the first time.

Ever since that binge period, ive been massively hooked on UW.

34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j 03-01-2019 05:30 PM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions

Originally Posted by khouri (Post 165170)
I remember the first time I heard the Jumbo bassline. Chills.

I remember some story about Karl not being sold on Jumbo to the point where it nearly was left off the album. That still seems crazy to me, it's such an obviously great track, there's a certain magic to it that most bands are lucky to capture even once.

holden 03-01-2019 05:38 PM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions
I love to read all these UW origin stories! The abridged version of mine:

First Exposure via compilation CDs (1996- 1999)- MTV Amp, Plastic, Urbal Beats, GrooveRadio, etc

First UW album purchased: (2002): "Everything, Everything"; i recognized the songs, and also needed a pick-me-up after a disastrous improv comedy audition. Came home depressed, mood lifted all night with listens. Who were these guys? Need to learn more!

First Studio album purchased - "Beaucoup Fish". I liked the singles, and a fan recommended it as best in their fledgling catalog. Yes, six hour car-rides with "Jumbo" bass, etc. I get into that back catalog, and have fond memories of sundown with "dubno", cranking the poorly mixed volume on "STITI" at midnight...

2002 - join dirty forums, download all free stuff, fan remixes, create remixes, and abuse grad lab's ethernet allowance connecting to RTSR FTP site to get past/latest shows.

2002 - first LP release anticipated as a "Fan" released..."ansum", er AHDO. Subject it to family and friends. Scour ebay for import singles. Find inspiration in "footwear Repairs" VHS (as does artist father!).

2003-2006: All those radio shows, and RiverRun!

2007 - finally see UW in NY at Central Park!

2010 - is "Good Day Today" by UW? Nope. But i enjoyed the speculation, and the eventual remix.

Every release and project from ~2002 to present, i've been here for, enjoyed the debate, and while some tracks i like more or less, i've never been disappointed. Yeah, that early period of discovery and compulsive searching is probably my favorite period, but thanks to Rick, Karl, the Darrens, and you... it's been a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I'm glad it's still going, the band is still inspiring.

purlieu 03-03-2019 05:38 AM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions
One of my favourite things about getting into Underworld was something totally of its time - looking at the sleeves in record shops and being really taken in by the weird artwork and wondering what they sounded like. Every Saturday I'd go down to my local indie and looking through the racks, spending loads of time leafing through the booklets of FSOL, Underworld, Orbital, Manics and Mike Oldfield albums, looking at the titles, wondering how they reflected the music. And then deciding not to save my money to buy one, but spending it on some shit CD single instead haha. But it built up a real sense of mystery and excitement around the albums that you don't get now.

And then going into a city and looking at the singles section and finding import versions of Pearl's Girl (with tracks not on mine!) and Dirty Epic/Cowgirl and them sticking in my mind wondering what they were like. Fun times.

potatobroth 03-04-2019 07:20 AM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions

Originally Posted by purlieu (Post 165188)
And then going into a city and looking at the singles section and finding import versions of Pearl's Girl (with tracks not on mine!) and Dirty Epic/Cowgirl and them sticking in my mind wondering what they were like. Fun times.

totally this. having no idea what their catalog consisted of and digging thru "U" categories hoping to find random singles.

this was how i found the Dirty/Cowgirl single as well as the Pearl's Girl with Karp Dreams on it. Best feeling. Long before eBay made it too easy.

darkvoice 03-04-2019 11:24 PM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions

Originally Posted by potatobroth (Post 165193)
totally this. having no idea what their catalog consisted of and digging thru "U" categories hoping to find random singles.

Exactly this! I bought every album or CD which contained something of their unknown catalogue. Internet made it way too easy. I start sounding like my grandfather...

darmok 03-05-2019 08:00 AM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions

Originally Posted by darkvoice (Post 165198)
Exactly this! I bought every album or CD which contained something of their unknown catalogue. Internet made it way too easy. I start sounding like my grandfather...

I loved those digging through the crates at Tower Records. Probably my favorite find from those days was Orbital's Diversions EP which had the Underworld remix of Lush; that was a score on two counts!

But, before you say it's too easy now, getting Barbara in 24bit/96KHz with Twenty Three Blue required a bit of jumping through hoops... good luck getting ahold of the Riverrun WAVs... and I dunno about you but I'm still missing a sizable portion of the Live Here Now recordings on CD. Plenty of challenges left for the collector. :)

potatobroth 03-05-2019 10:41 AM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions
that feeling of discovery was the one i loved. i lived in or around NYC at the time, so i had my share of underground music shops to pop into for my typical beeline to the electronic section for a quick Underworld search.

I actually found and purchased the Skycraper single on vinyl, even though i had no way to play it. I then gave it to my friend in exchange for MP3 rips of Jamscraper and Telegraph. I knew those tracks existed but had never heard them. Back then, this was the only way I could think to finally get the chance.

purlieu 03-06-2019 03:20 AM

Re: Drift Ep. 2...wishes and predictions

Originally Posted by darmok (Post 165199)
But, before you say it's too easy now, getting Barbara in 24bit/96KHz with Twenty Three Blue required a bit of jumping through hoops... good luck getting ahold of the Riverrun WAVs... and I dunno about you but I'm still missing a sizable portion of the Live Here Now recordings on CD. Plenty of challenges left for the collector. :)

It's not quite the same though: you can get Barbara with Twenty Three Blue on CD very easily, and most people aren't going to spot the difference with a 24/96 - hell, we're talking about buying CDs in the '90s, which weren't even that quality; the Live Here Now ones are admittedly something that's a challenge for the collector, but it still doesn't come close to stumbling across records you might not even have known existed, and buying them wondering what they sound like.

It's definitely a first world problem of course, but for me, the internet has definitely changed my attitude towards getting music for the worse. The mystery is gone. I like mystery a lot.

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