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khouri 07-08-2019 09:02 PM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019

Originally Posted by potatobroth (Post 166163)
I feel like Soniamode is a definite.

EDIT: ah, not a prediction. guess you dont like Sonia?

"Soniamode" is possibly my least favorite Underworld song of all time.

bazwint 07-09-2019 02:07 AM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019

Originally Posted by dubman (Post 166165)

fuck off

:D Made me spit my coffee. Couldn't agree miore.

34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j 07-09-2019 06:38 AM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019
I love Molehill. sounds like a lost Jon & Vangelis track to me. yes I am a dork

taotsu 07-09-2019 07:50 PM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019
Love it too. I actually have no track I dislike so far. I am getting irritated with Appleshine at times, but that’s it.
I really don’t get all the negativity. If ya don’t like it, kick it out the playlist. :)

34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j 07-10-2019 06:26 AM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019
my only issue with Appleshine is the hi hat, it's too loud and kinda hurts the ambience of the track

still love it though

34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j 07-10-2019 11:53 AM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019
btw, here's a good catch from someone on r/underworld - although the vocal bit was obviously on "Dexter's Chalk", this tune hasn't actually been released yet


TheBang 07-10-2019 10:15 PM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019
I think Listen to Their No and Soniamode are locks for the album. They've been getting a lot of play on BBC Radio the past few months, and some DJ's have referred to them as "singles" from Drift Songs.

lemonjelly 07-11-2019 07:27 AM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019
Not getting the hate for soniamode. I prefer the aditya game version.

My thinking as to what might be included is:
border country
listen to their no
another silent way
this must be drum street
one of the soniamodes
possibly dexters chalk

I like schipol test but think it'll be cut.
I still LOVE appleshine continuum. It is a beast. Listen to it loads

lemonjelly 07-11-2019 07:32 AM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019
Should add btw, not getting the hundred weight hammer dislike. Understand peeps not liking the vid, but as a tune in its own right, it hits the spot for me.

Dino3D 08-03-2019 05:29 AM

Re: DRIFT SONGS - New album, Oct 25, 2019
Has the Drift series over?

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