View Full Version : Kremayshun: Anyone can do this Burial stuff...

10-17-2007, 08:56 AM
Giving this one a thread of it's own rather than just a post on page 4 of the Burial thread....

Here's the hottest new dubplate from East London's darkhypergrimedub massive Kremayshun to prove my point: http://www.lxnen.com/KremayshunOne.mp3

Took me about 2 hours, and there's probably far to much going on because I can't quite bring myself to make things as empty as Burial does, and I was relying only on cleared samples I already had on my harddrive rather than nicking anything gangsta stylee.

Coming next: Kremayshun remixes Underworld - "Mmm Towerblock I Love You" :)

Edit to try and head off a flame war: I'm NOT saying this is anywhere near as good as Burial, I'm just saying I've managed to get a very similar sound very easily.

10-17-2007, 12:03 PM
wow you really put us burial fans in our place.

On a similar note, I really loved a capella music until I realized I could make similar sounds in the shower.

kid cue
10-17-2007, 12:42 PM
i've always hated a capella music.

10-17-2007, 12:48 PM
really?! even avo part?

kid cue
10-17-2007, 12:50 PM
what? he did a capalla? i'm just talking about my college & grad school experience.

10-17-2007, 02:14 PM
oh yeah. I hated that shit. I can still see my balding high school choral teacher in a kmart tie sweating under the stage lights, getting us to artificially swell the volume with is arm gestures.

kid cue
10-17-2007, 03:43 PM
can you recommend a good Arvo Part album?

10-18-2007, 07:51 AM
can you recommend a good Arvo Part album?

i'm not familiar with a good recording but de profundis or the tabula rosa works are probably my favorite.

But what I can recommend even more highly, from one bach lover to another, is the Morimur album done by the hilliard ensemble that juxtaposes violin partitas and the choral contatas showing how Bach hid themes from one piece to the next.


anything by the hilliard ensemble is quality, though

kid cue
10-18-2007, 09:17 AM
looked up that recording. it isn't an incredibly fragmented listening experience? i wonder if all composers didn't hide or re-use themes from piece ot piece though. maybe i'm misinterpreting the discovery about the partita.

10-18-2007, 11:47 AM
looked up that recording. it isn't an incredibly fragmented listening experience? i wonder if all composers didn't hide or re-use themes from piece ot piece though. maybe i'm misinterpreting the discovery about the partita.

oh of course. Not to mention borrowing from other composers like he did with vivaldi and the italian pieces. As far as a fragmented experience, maybe maybe not. christopher poppin superimposes the music a bit at the end of the cd.