View Full Version : Any female vocalists 'round these parts?

08-01-2007, 03:47 PM
I've been half-heartedly looking for a female vocalist/songwriter to work on original tracks with for a while, but now I'm feeling like getting serious about it. I tend to do kind of dubby, mid to downtempo electronic stuff, so I've always been drawn to sultry, soulful female vocals...like Martina Topley-Bird or Dot Allison. I can send high quality mp3's of the remixes I've done with female vocals to give you a better idea, or you can hear some of my stuff here (http://www.realworldremixed.com/remix.php?remix_id=LhvjKdJ-ChrquatS) and here (http://www.myspace.com/grandbrother). I have other tracks not included on these sites too, and obviously better quality copies that I can send. So anyway, let me know if you or anyone you know might be interested!

08-02-2007, 01:24 AM
Was trying to discretely PM you, but your inbox is full! But yeah, I used to sing with a jazzy-loungey band when I was in France. Think "Girl from Ipanema" and "Summertime" and that will give you an idea. :eek::p

Haven't done any serious singing for more than 10yrs though. But I could do with a good excuse to start drinking Scotch again - good for the vocal chords, you know. ;)

08-02-2007, 10:04 AM
A-ha! My master plan to force you to go public worked! ;)

So do you have any means of recording your voice so that we can try doing something? Feel free to PM me about the details now that I've cleared out a bunch of space in there.

Meanwhile, is your RTSR email address a good one to send you links to some downloads of recent tracks I've done? You know, just to give you an idea of what your voice would be mixed into. I have a brand new one with a female vocalist that I just finished a couple days ago that I'll include. Maybe I'll also throw in a link to my Play Pig work in progress just for fun. :)

08-02-2007, 05:31 PM
I can do it :p

08-03-2007, 06:23 AM
what about if you used to be a woman...does that count? :p

Sean, i feel you pain in finding female vocalists... i went through a big Orbital inspiration phase where i wanted to have female vox on my AViD tracks, but no one would do it...i resorted to using text-to-voice applications to gt female voices, which sounded about as bad as you'd expect!

Go for it , Jane! We're all cheering for you to return to your singing!

08-03-2007, 11:06 AM
Yeah, there's just something about great female vocals. For me, I just like playing up their sultriness and getting some good baby-makin' music going. Can't wait to see what comes out of the Beautiful Burnout/Grandbrother collaboration...:)