View Full Version : Guilfest 2005

06-28-2005, 04:03 PM

anyone with nothing to do on the weekend of Friday 15th - Sunday 17th July should come to Guilfest. It should be fun. well, probably. it's a bit 'Radio 2', especially the 'Radio 2 Stage', but i shall be playing the Anderton's Club Live Stage on the friday afternoon (not on my own) and it would be lovely to see some friendly faces. + i can get you cheap tickets, cos i have contacts. like the mafia, but with festival tickets. or something.

The Stands, The Subways, The Others, Hal, Tom Baxter and many more will be there, as will yours truly. so there you go.

here's the urls for the festival::

and for my stunningly amazingly wonderful band::

and if you want tickets, PM me, and i'll see what i can sort out. hoorah!!

07-03-2005, 01:06 PM


07-03-2005, 02:22 PM
would love to, 'cept i'm off in holland seeing this small three-man electronic dance combo :p

07-03-2005, 03:43 PM
Please get me the phone number of the Subways' bassist.



PS sorry, going to Guildford for a festival is wrong on so many levels.

07-03-2005, 03:53 PM
PS sorry, going to Guildford for a festival is wrong on so many levels.

appreciated and agreed. however, it's worth it on my part :D

also fuck me. i see your point about the subways bassist. if by some insane fluke i get her number, you're not getting it.

now to convince my girlfriend she's up for a threesome