View Full Version : Crazy NC-17 Promo for Basic Instinct 2!!!

the mongoose
02-07-2006, 07:28 AM
Right Click to Save (http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/m.markus/basicinstinct2.mov)

Looks like the Cinemax movie of the year!:D

Jason Roth
02-07-2006, 07:33 AM
Nice...I loved the first one.

Malt Refund
02-07-2006, 07:38 AM
Holy shit! It's like Showgirls, and if any movie proves you can't have that much sex and take yourself seriously, it's that one.

Too revealing in the promo though.. I mean, I just saw everything. Why would I want to see the movie now? The plot?

Jason Roth
02-07-2006, 07:45 AM
Too revealing in the promo though.. I mean, I just saw everything. Why would I want to see the movie now? The plot?

Because the promo was in a 3 inch, low def format, and it'll probably look better on the big screen.

the mongoose
02-07-2006, 07:57 AM
Well, for one, I bet you good money that this "promo" is not official and the studio didn't want this out on the net. No trailer spoils all of the sex/murder scenes and I'm sure Sharon Stone doesn't want to appear that way on any of the promotional material for this flick either.

This could be some new crazy marketing technique (let the word of mouth be spread by nerd-carrier pidgeons....;):D:D)

I think it looks craptastic but hey I like the cheese sometimes. Showgirls is a classic.:cool:

Malt Refund
02-07-2006, 09:42 AM
And by cheese, you mean porno! ;)

Jason Roth
02-07-2006, 09:45 AM
Hey, not all porno is cheese.

02-07-2006, 10:23 AM
ok seriously...

there's no way that that was a legitimate promo. I mean #1 they can't show sex or nipples in them, and #2 - the music was absurdly horrible


even though every fiber of my being tells me this will be a bad movie

Now, I kinda want to see it:p

Malt Refund
02-07-2006, 11:58 AM
I wonder why it was created then.. it cant be official since it's all "below the waist" and whatnot, it doesnt promote the sale of a bootleg or torrent as far as I can tell. Maybe the studio put it out on the sly to wow the movie-going internet.

02-07-2006, 01:07 PM
often times some foreign markets will ask for a more risque trailer than what typically shows here in the states. Rules of Attraction and The Girl Next Door both also had "unrated" trailers... either for France or the Internet or whatever reason... and they were both way better than the G-rated one that played in theaters here in the states. For any that've ever seen a trailer where instead of the green "approved for all audiences" screen you get a red "restricted" screen, you know that once in a blue moon we americans still get some nudity in our trailers...

the mongoose
02-07-2006, 01:15 PM
Someone has already recut the trailer to Benny Hill music....

Right Click to Save (http://clips1.vimeo.com/video_files/2006/02/07/vimeo.58653.mov)


02-07-2006, 01:21 PM
but the music!

damn - did they have no budget whatsoever!

sorry man... but that, along with the crotch-shots (+nipples) = not official
or maybe a VERY quickly made online-only 'teaser'

about 65% of my doubt is b/c of the music - it sounds cheaper than porn soundtracks

(edit) and no - I am not talking about the benny hill one

Malt Refund
02-07-2006, 01:25 PM
often times some foreign markets will ask for a more risque trailer than what typically shows here in the states.

Yeah but you cant show *that* much in a foreigen trailer, can you? I thought it might be that, but in what countries is that much nudity in a trailer acceptable?

02-07-2006, 05:48 PM
i dunno, other than the shot of her getting out of the hot tub (which isn't exactly a close up), all i really actually full-on see are some nipples and one f-word. Maybe it's not a teaser but some short reel put together for some conference or market presentation or something but I'm not that surprised that it was made. I don't know enough to guess which specific country would show it but I do know this isn't the first r-rated trailer ever cut.

there is no voice-over or words on the screen though so it doesn't seem like a domestic trailer at all. i bet it's some promo reel cut to show how sexy and dangerous the movie's gonna be that will be shown to theater exhibitors or something.

02-07-2006, 07:44 PM
It looks like a trailer that could appear on a DVD. I've seen rated R trailers on DVD's a bunch of times, and they have nudity etc in them.

Malt Refund
02-07-2006, 08:00 PM
Dude there is full frontal Sharon Stone vagina in that trailer.

kagenaki koe
02-07-2006, 10:23 PM
Dude there is full frontal Sharon Stone vagina in that trailer.

middle-aged cameltoe:p

something about it just screams "straight to video".

02-08-2006, 01:27 AM
"Bill's quick capsule review: PIECE O' SHIT."

02-08-2006, 02:09 AM
this looks like a low budget skinemax film, if there ever was one.

03-16-2006, 12:44 AM
hey can someone send mi Basic Instinct 2 cos i hv not watch it ! pls

03-16-2006, 12:47 AM
can someone send mi the movie pls ! or somewhere i can download it..i try to download ' Crazy NC-17 Promo for Basic Instinct 2!!! Right Click to Save (http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/m.markus/basicinstinct2.mov)' i cant

03-16-2006, 12:49 AM
how can i download Basic Instinct 2??

03-16-2006, 04:09 AM
aaahhhhhh. i get it. "dirty" forums.

no. no no no. we don't have this movie. the dirty word in the url is a reference to the uk-based music duo "underworld"

edit: also, you need to calm down. 3 posts in 5 minutes? whoa. why do you need to see this movie this much? if for the mild titillation, try any number of the links that come up on google when you search "pr0n".

then again, if the reason you need to see this movie so much is due to the no doubt great storyline, i can't help you. i reckon it goes something like this

boy meets girl - girl shags boy - girl kills boy at point of orgasm - rinse, repeat -

03-16-2006, 05:43 AM
hahaa...i just like the movie..not b'cos of porn inside...:)
anyway tks dude..i first time in tis forum :P

03-16-2006, 06:00 AM
by the way, u noe anymore nice movies ?? i also cant get wat u meant ? p0rn..try any numbers??