View Full Version : Decibel Festival in Seattle?

04-30-2013, 01:42 PM
Decibel festival is in the process of announcing their lineup, and it's SUPER unlikely, but maybe the boys show up? it's been since 1999 since they were in seattle, and I was... not listening to techno yet...

Decibel brought in Orbital last year (with an afterparty DJ set by one of the brothers too!), and they've already announced the Orb as a subheadliner this year.

I've seen quite a few locations around here saying the Pacific Northwest of the US, anyone else hoping against hope to see them traverse to this hemisphere's emerald city?

04-30-2013, 03:35 PM
They did get Orbital on the cheap though and they played from laptops. Not sure if Underworld can do that.

04-30-2013, 09:21 PM
Ah reality, dashing hopes yet again. Dont think id wanna see a laptop UW set. Still looking forwadd to seejng the rest of the DB lineup.

06-11-2013, 02:59 PM
Orbital broke my heart at Decibel. The bitch of it was, so many young kids thought that WAS what live Orbital was about. Thank goodness I'd seen them in 96.