Tower records japan

Published: by lloyd.

 This Archive was originally published as part of Lloyd's blog which closed in 2008. Some of the links to other sources such as images, videos and external websites may be missing.

The site is 10 years old and is
celebrating that with underworld!
There’s a special site here. Looks like they have a deal for @tower/underworld Tshirt.
Also a video can be played of Karl promoting Tower records.
The 10 year tower records logo is designed by underworld (Tomato?).

Please someone help me out with the translation. I think it says there that when you order for over 5000 yen, you can mail in your ordernumber to enter a draw. Prices are signed Tshirt(s) and signed Crocodile single(s).

They have 2 different wallpapers you can download in a couple of resolutions here.

And this is the Underworld site at
You can view a video of karl promoting OwB there.

Well, I think I should get a free Tshirt by now for promoting the site 😉